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Old October 14th, 2010, 07:15 AM

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Default Re: DAR: Italy vs. GB - North Africa 6/40

Turn 16

Enemy Matilda II crew was sent running this turn. Getting a touch to bold, I tried to move up and take out an A10 that was hanging close by. The squad in question, failed the morale check and ran east toward the enemy. It just so happens another Matilda II was sitting in that direction. They ran again and at least this time they ran in the right direction. Other action just involved some exposed units getting shot at by tank machine guns. It is a good thing the British didn't issue HE for the 2-pdr and tend to have more than one machine gun on tanks early in the war. My troops are still holding.

Enemy tanks are clustering around the immobilized Matilda II in Bravo's sector. It probably isn't intentional. The tanks there are just slow. Anyhow, there are seven Matilda's of one type or another within 150m. Like with Alpha, the enemy tanks are firing at my infantry with machine guns, but the success is limited. Across the gully, enemy infantry is also firing, mainly at one exposed squad. They are taking more damage from a machine gun to the rear of Alpha. Some infantry is trying to push up through the smoke near the gully, but are having a rough time there. I have a lot of tanks and infantry clustered there and they blast anything that comes into sight.

Three Matilda Is with a few squads of supporting infantry on the east side of Charlie's gully. My tank plinked a bunch of rounds off of one Matilda, but the angle wasn't right. It usually works better with two tanks at different angles. The enemy had one squad that was hanging in there for quite a while. I fired everything I could, but he wouldn't budge. Finally, a few well placed hits had him backing up.

Lead enemy tank in Delta sector stopped. I've been hitting it with machine guns and infantry guns, not that they damaged him. A second Matilda II pulled up behind him. It is like they are waiting for my mortars to hit. I fired what I could at the supporting infantry. That squad also stopped. If they hang another turn, they won't be happy.

Pulling the engineers out of the wadi and have Echo moving up. Maybe this is why the enemy tanks stopped. I'm not worrying so much about staying in the gully with my movements. Two support squads are holding in the wadi while one of Echo's platoons moves up to cover the position. A Matilda I appeared just to the east of the wadi, but I don't have anything there to kill it and I'm not going to worry about it.

Capped what I thought was the last tank in Foxtrot's sector. Turns out there is one more Matilda I moving up the hill and two Matilda IIs are heading toward the salient. My armored cars spotted those, but one has a new window for his efforts. I guess I better pull them back. The rest of Foxtrot's infantry is moving forward and will stay in the wadi rather than clear the area of enemy infantry. I need to deal with the new threat.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: 1xMatilida I tank destroyed. Estimated 10 casualties.
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Old October 14th, 2010, 07:57 AM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: Italy vs. GB - North Africa 6/40

Turn 17

It may not seem like much, but Alpha put the torch to the abandoned Matilda II. When the points are totaled, that will count as a kill. Another assault on the A10 failed. That squad got cut up pretty bad because it was in the LOS of a lot of enemy tanks. Another squad in the open took a lot of fire, but no damage. Most of the rest of Alpha is huddled behind hills and smoke.

Enemy tanks still milling about immobilized tank. No real movement forward there. They are the ones who spent time firing at my exposed infantry. One of my ATGs did immobilize the A10 with them. With the number of holes I've put in it, I'm surprised it is even alive. Mortar rounds started falling on the tank cluster, but nothing but plinks came out of it. Further down the line, my tanks took out a Matilda I and clobbed more infantry trying to pop out of the smoke.

The Zulu tank supporting Charlie also racked up a kill on a Matilda I. Two to go. One enemy squad popped up on their right side and drew fire from a platoon. He is leaving now Light mortar rounds are still dropping on a cluster of infantry out about 250m.

Enemy moving forward again in Delta sector. They aren't shooting, but I'm still laying into them with everything I've got. One of my tank commanders with a death wish also took some shots. I'm going to have to find out who has LOS and get him under cover. Mortar rounds started falling, but were somewhat off target. The supporting squad took a few rounds close, but otherwise the fire was bad.

One Echo platoon supported by a couple of engineer squads are moving north to support Delta. The other engineers were caught in the wadi when enemy mortars started to hit. They won't be of any use for a while. Enemy Matilda IIs pushing into the salient, but don't seem to be supported by infantry. If they are, the enemy is trying to make sure it won't last because they started firing 25-pdr artillery, but it was short. It is hitting very close to the only enemy infantry squad I see in the area.

Foxtrot shifting around in the wadi. I also moved a platoon of XRay tanks up to help. This is where I think the fire on the Matilda IIs came from. I still have another platoon in front of and to the south of the wadi, maneuvering against the Matilda I. They need to be careful because I think there is another Matilda II around. So far, they have all showed up in multiples of three, but I only see two here so far. My armored cars were able to stay put because the Matildas pushed on into the smoke. They lit up a couple of routed enemy squads and made sure the Vickers crew wouldn't come back.

My antitank guns, infantry guns and light mortars are starting to run into ammo problems. I've got supply, but they are keeping my medium mortars in business.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: 2xMatilida I tanks and 1xMatilda II tank destroyed. Estimated 20 casualties.
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Old October 14th, 2010, 09:23 AM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: Italy vs. GB - North Africa 6/40

Turn 18

Alpha is pretty much just taking a beating now. The enemy has stopped advancing more or less 200m out. My infantry is to spent to try to move forward and assault with more than half a dozen tanks sitting there.

Incoming mail on a meaningful target for a change. The enemy found my strong point in Bravo's line. They succeeded in destroying one tank and immobilizing another. I only took one infantry casualty here, but three squads are running. The only bright side is some of the artillery was short, so the enemy infantry got some of the steel as well. My mortars are continuing to shell the enemy tank cluster between two immobilized tanks.

I moved two Yankee tanks over with the Zulu tank to help deal with the Matilda Is in the area. This might have saved their lives since artillery is now falling where they were. The Matildas have pushed my infantry out of the gully and were getting hit ineffectively by 37mm rounds. Even though my infantry has been pushed out the gully, I wouldn't call this a breach in my line. Those two enemy tanks won't last long. The issue in Bravo's sector is more of a worry than this minor worry in Charlie's.

Lead enemy tanks in Delta's sector stopped again. A couple of trucks are moving up and one blundered into the impact zone of my mortars. The squad they were carrying got clobbered; only two men left. I'm slowly moving my infantry closer by popping smoke. If I can keep the Matilda IIs buttoned and without infantry support, my engineers might be able to destroy one or more. One of my IGs continued to fire at the lead tank, but the other is out of ammo.

Echo is holding up with the enemy targeting the engineer wadi. Three support company units are still in there, but pinned. The mortar was replaced with a troop of 25-pdrs. There is also a Matilda II holding up to fire at one of the squads. Maybe their own artillery will put it out of action. Additional enemy artillery blasted the area just southeast of the wadi. There had been one enemy squad there, but he is gone. I hit the enemy just east and northeast of the wadi with light and medium mortar fire. A Matilda I got caught in the fire, but only plinks resulted.

Spotted the third Matilda II moving toward the salient, so that is good. Foxtrot continues to move east in the wadi, while my tanks maneuver around for positions. Outside Foxtrot's position, I carefully pushed a platoon of tanks through some soft stand. They should get shots at a Matilda I next turn. My armored cars spotted a fast moving truck heading toward the salient and fired at it. It is still alive, but had holes. An enemy artillery troop started dropping rounds on Foxtrot's machine gun position.

Enemy artillery started to drop on another machine gun position on the plateau. They like to shoot at machine guns.


Friendly: 1xM11/39 tank destroyed. Estimated 20 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 20 casualties.
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Old October 14th, 2010, 12:12 PM

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Default Re: DAR: Italy vs. GB - North Africa 6/40

Turn 19

Alpha is still getting shot at, but only by a couple of Matilda Is. The rest of the enemy units seem to have moved on, except for a nearby A10. He's not immobilized; he's just not moving. Not shooting either. It is in a ready status, so I don't know what is up with him.

Bugged as many units out of the artillery impact zone as possible. One of my tanks immobilized last turn got destroyed this turn. It leaves a bit of a hole for the enemy to go through, but they have to get past their own artillery as well. Not an easy task. It has been hitting them, but not quite as hard as my troops. A platoon of Bravo troops, with one Alpha squad, are huddled behind a hill in front of the enemy tank cluster. My mortars continue to hit them. One Matilda II did break out of the group and is heading southwest. Nearby, I have another platoon from Bravo and five tanks sitting behind a hill. Two of my tanks took shots at the enemy tank, but it didn't fire back. The enemy fired a lot of smoke into the sector as well. This is good since my infantry was out. Blocked LOS helps me more than them right now.

Destroyed two Matilda Is in Charlie's sector. That should be all that is there for now. One of the Matildas in front of Delta took a long range shot, but missed. Charlie's right flank infantry popped smoke to block the LOS. For now, that problem is solved. A few enemy squads are trying to push forward. My tanks should put an end to that next turn.

Enemy still holding position in Delta's sector, about 250m out. I'm hitting them with what I can. There are two Matilda Is and a truck moving up. Mortar rounds hit the enemy tanks, again but no effect.

Two enemy Matilda Is were moving up through a pass east of the engineer's wadi, so I took some log range shots with an infantry gun. Splash hit the tanks and all of a sudden units were bailing off and dying. I have no clue how many I got there, but it was good. One Echo platoon is moving up into the gap between the wadi and Foxtrot's position. The rest are moving toward the Matildas in Delta's sector. My subborn support company HQ stood at point blank range trading fire with a Matilda II while getting shot at by infantry from the rear. The HQ is still there, but the Matilda bolted for the rear. Mortar fire hit the infantry east of the wadi, so things should quiet down some.

Foxtrot infantry still shifting around. A Matilda I close by was firing at them, so I moved my tanks up and finished that. There is another one out there somewhere. My armored cars are still taking long range shots at a truck, but it keeps on coming.


Friendly: 1xM11/39 tank destroyed. Estimated 15 casualties.

Enemy: 3xMatilda I tanks destroyed. Estimated 20 casualties.
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Old October 16th, 2010, 10:55 AM

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Default Re: DAR: Italy vs. GB - North Africa 6/40

Turn 20

Alpha is starting to dissolved under the fire from enemy tanks. There is little they can do right now other than try to stay out of the line of sight. ATGs are trying to help from the plateau, but the only tanks they can kill are A10s and that isn't even working right now. AP ammo running low.

Trying to regroup Bravo. Infantry isn't in bad shape, but I lost three more tanks. Scurring out of the artillery impact zone, combined with clearing smoke put them in the LOS of one enemy Matilda II. It capped all three. Four enemy tanks moved southwest out of the cluster. Mortar fire fell on the tanks still around the immobilized Matilda II with the usual effect, plink, plink, plink.

Enemy is trying to push infantry forward south of the burning column, but got thrown back hard since my tanks here have nothing else to shoot at. There are still some hanging around, but the major concern are the tanks moving toward Charlie from Bravo's sector. Light mortars dropped around enemy infantry, but was basically off.

I'm starting a major push against the enemy down south. Delta held their line since they are the blocking force right now. Echo, Foxtrot and engineers are pushing forward, supported by tanks. I want to get to those Matilda IIs. A couple are running for some reason near the salient, but the three forward of Delta are still holding. Echo and a few engineers are about at knife fighting range. One engineer squad did get a Matilda I. This turn, Delta will come out of their gully to soak off fire while Echo swarms. British infantry is around, but to the rear of the tanks and in tatters. The strongest group is clustered just east of the engineer wadi. Foxtrot is moving that way and trying to deal with enemy tanks around the salient. They soak off fire, while a platoon of tanks engage targets. This process took out another Matilda I. Armored cars trying to cut off retreating infantry are taking AA gun fire from the rear. One got hit, so both will have to duck behind dust trails and run. I shifted my mortars to go after infantry because mine are getting too close to the enemy tanks.


Friendly: 3xM11/39 tank destroyed. Estimated 15 casualties.

Enemy: 2xMatilda I tanks destroyed. Estimated 20 casualties.
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Old October 16th, 2010, 12:16 PM

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Default Re: DAR: Italy vs. GB - North Africa 6/40

Turn 21


Alpha is still pretty much in the same situation it has been in for a while. One squad is separated and going to try to get the loitering A10. Aside from that, they are still taking fire from a couple of Matilda Is hanging around. They are raking mostly routed squads. Alpha has about seven combat effective squads left. Everyone else is running or just gone.

The enemy tank cluster is starting to break in Bravo's sector, with tanks moving forward in one direction or another. One Matilda II headed alone straight west, so I decided to go after it. I started by peppering anyone around with machine gun, ATG, IG and small arms fire. One of my infantry guns actually destroyed the immobilized A10 with an HE round. Next, I pushed forward a squad in front of the Matilda II. It survived fire from a number of units, so it popped smoke to isolate the tank and peppered it with small arms. Another squad came up and popped more smoke and was going to do the same thing as the last squad. Instead, it ASSAULTED and DESTROYED the Matilda II!!! I didn't expect that, especially after taking the time to pop smoke. Elsewhere in the sector, my surviving Zulu tanks snuggled up closer to the hill to their front to get out of the LOS of a couple of other Matilda IIs. Mortars dropped smoke and HE on the infantry to try to create more isolated and buttoned tanks.

Charlie sector has a couple more enemy Matilda Is that moved in, supported by infantry. My tanks took some shots at them and tried to move in, but the enemy is well supported by infantry. I think there is more fresh infantry around than first thought, since I have been mistaking some British Rifle Sections as shot up squads. Anyhow, they are still being held at bay. One of my tanks took some damage in this area, but it was a new arrival so I still have three fully functional tanks with Charlie.

The southern push has had considerable success. Two platoons of Delta moved out to soak off enemy fire, neutralize enemy infantry and pop some smoke to isolate the area from other enemy units further north. One Delta platoon held fast directly in front of the enemy Matildas. Next, Echo and one engineer squad moved against the Matilda IIs. The lead tank was damaged an routed. Another one moved forward resulting in another attack by the engineers, damaging that tank and the original one. The third tank has also moved up and just to the southeast of the other two damaged tanks. My infantry is all around this one as well. One of the enemy tanks destroyed one of my sand pillboxes at one point, but I don't know which one. Further east on this infantry line, I have another engineer that destroyed a Matilda I with a flame thrower. Mortar fire is still falling on the enemy trailing infantry and did hit the cluster to the west of the engineer wadi. Just south of the wadi were a Matilda I and Matilda II. Foxtrot and Echo started peppering them with small arms, rushed and assaulted the Matilda I. The Matilda II was 50m to the northeast and too far away. The assaults failed and in many cases, didn't happen because my squads panicked but the enemy stopped shooting. One of my tanks pushed up to a position 50m behind both and fired. It destroyed the Matilda II at point blank range from behind. When that worked, I sent another tank up and did the same thing to the Matilda I. There was also a routed Matilda II nearby, so I sent out another tank after it and destroyed that one as well. I was worried I would take AA gun fire doing this, but the chance to dispatch another Matilda II was too much to pass up. The Bofors stayed quiet. My last tank scooted out and destroyed an antitank rifle team spotted while all this was happening. I pushed out one of my light mortar teams to put the torch to an abandoned Vickers tank. Finally, my armored cars pulled back.


Friendly: 1xM11/39 tank destroyed. Estimated 15 casualties.

Enemy: 3xMatilda II, 2xMatilda I, 1xA10 and 1xVickers VIb tanks destroyed. Estimated 15 casualties.
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Old October 16th, 2010, 01:20 PM

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Poll Re: DAR: Italy vs. GB - North Africa 6/40

Turn 22

Decided to try to do something with Alpha. Squads started moving out and assaulted an A10 and Matilda I without success. They are paying for the attempt. ATGs slinging HE are trying to support.

Bravo is tangling with some Matilda Is to their front or more specifically, Yankee tanks are. Moved out and got one, but another attempt put my tank in the LOS of a Matilda II and that ended the attempt. Friendly mortars are still raining shells on the enemy. You would think I could at least immobilize one

Bracing for Matilda IIs in Charlie sector, but they seem to have stopped again. The enemy does this a lot. There are three, but I'm going to wait for them to come to me. My tanks in the area are getting short in number. I think there are three just to the north with Bravo and four with Charlie, one of which is damaged. If the enemy tanks push into the smoke, I might try to take some out if I can get to them. Destroyed another Matilda I in the area and traded fire with infantry. Light mortar rounds still falling on enemy infantry.

Delta platoons still trying to suppress enemy infantry while Echo and the engineers deal with Matilda IIs. Destroyed one more Matilda II, but flame and satchel charges running low. Bringing up two more engineers with more. There are three Matilda IIs in the area, but the damaged one is retreating at the moment. I'm moving tanks up to deal with the Matilda Is once the heavy tanks are zapped. Foxtrot is working on clearing the smoke south of the wadi and workinging with Echo to clear the wadi. The enemy has one squad there, but it is taking fire from tanks to the south and infantry. I should have it pushed out soon. A few enemy infantry units are still near the salient, but numbers are on my side. Mortar fire hit the infantry trailing the Matilda IIs and the group to the east of the wadi. ACs have pulled back, but one is still retreating. I'm trying to get it back under control.

Win, lose or draw, this battle has been a blast.


Friendly: 1xM11/39 tank destroyed. Estimated 15 casualties.

Enemy: 1xMatilda II and 2xMatilda I tanks destroyed. Estimated 15 casualties.

Attached are screen prints of the major contact points at the beginning of turn 23.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Alpha Battle - Turn 23 Start.jpg
Views:	467
Size:	98.8 KB
ID:	10558   Click image for larger version

Name:	Bravo Battle - Turn 23 Start.jpg
Views:	445
Size:	97.8 KB
ID:	10559   Click image for larger version

Name:	Charlie Battle - Turn 23 Start.jpg
Views:	449
Size:	98.8 KB
ID:	10560   Click image for larger version

Name:	Delta Echo Engineers Battle - Turn 23 Start.jpg
Views:	468
Size:	98.5 KB
ID:	10561   Click image for larger version

Name:	Echo Foxtrot Battle - Turn 23 Start.jpg
Views:	450
Size:	98.8 KB
ID:	10562  

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Old October 16th, 2010, 02:19 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: Italy vs. GB - North Africa 6/40

Turn 23

Alpha is getting shot up more, but putting enough fire out to send one Matilda I running. I believe the damage to the A10 involves its machine gun because it is completely ignoring my squad next to it. Here, both sides are just standing still and slugging it out.

In front of Bravo, I started having my mortars fire smoke. Maybe I can isolate some of the enemy tanks so I can maneuver my tanks and infantry and get a kill. Matilda Is are pushing forward, but the Matilda IIs are still stopped. Two are buttoned and one is retreating. It is hard to tell, but the enemy might be getting to its limit. I didn't fire at those tanks at all. My mortars are dropping rounds into a blind spot to make sure anything there is suppressed.

Tanks with Charlie took shots at two Matilda Is trying to push past Bravo. Also cut lose at enemy infantry. I'm shifting Charlie north to make sure the enemy Matilda IIs, if they start moving forward again, have a fight on their hand.

No real luck on the southern attack this turn. The routed Matilda II re-engaged, but I know it is damaged. Hopefully, it is the main gun. One is still slugging it out with my infantry and another undamaged one that had retreated earlier is circling around the wadi heading to Delta's sectory. Echo and Foxtrot have pushed the enemy out of the wadi, but there seems to be quite a few to the east. My mortars dropped smoke and HE here to isolate the lead tanks. Enemy artillery hit near the wadi and immobilized two of my tanks. That hurts, but they still have LOS on a close Matilda I. Maybe they can take it out.


Friendly: Estimated 15 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 15 casualties.
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Old October 16th, 2010, 03:10 PM

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Default Re: DAR: Italy vs. GB - North Africa 6/40

Turn 24

Incoming mail on Alpha. They are having enough trouble. Artillery is just making their life worse. Enemy tanks are just holding their ground right now. Still pouring fire into my infantry, but not moving forward.

Bravo was fairly quiet, other than two tanks with Charlie destroying two Matilda Is. I used my light mortars to lay smoke because that is about all they have left.

Front of Charlie also quiet aside from destroying the tanks mentioned above. My light mortars layed smoke here as well and enemy artillery helped. Can't see much, so not much to shoot at.

Enemy artillery hit my massed infantry out front of Delta position. Squads routed everywhere, but not all of them. Basically, total chaos. Some Matilda Is are pushing forward, but I've got tanks waiting. Enemy artillery also hit some of their own troops north of the wadi as well. One enemy Matilda I got capped by one of my tanks. All the rest of the action was with Echo and Foxtrot east of the wadi. Lots of fire back and forth. Some shooting near the salient, but light compared to the wadi. There is a ATR team firing at my light mortar. If I can spot it, maybe my ACs can engage from a safe distance.


Friendly: Estimated 20 casualties.

Enemy: 3xMatilda I tanks destroyed. Estimated 10 casualties.
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Old October 16th, 2010, 03:57 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: Italy vs. GB - North Africa 6/40

Turn 25

Another round of artillery on Alpha. One of the enemy Matilda Is has left the sector, leaving one plus an A10 without the ability to engage infantry. I'll try to regroup and push back into the gully. There are still a couple of Alpha squads there, but most have routed out because of the artillery.

The Matilda II group broke up, with two retreating in different directions. I'm not sure where the third went. By my turn, one of the tanks was just buttoned, so I peppered it with small arms and moved two tanks up and capped it from behind. One more of those beasts gone. The other one that was retreating regained some morale and pushed into the smoke, coming nose to nose with one of my tanks. Mine fired and the enemy tank did nothing, so they are still sitting that way. On enemy infantry unit tried to push into the smoke, but Bravo and Charlie infantry have moved into and sent him packing very quickly.

Aside from the enemy infantry unit mentioned above, nothing going on. LOS blocked smoke. I'm still shifting Charlie north in the gully.

Delta is covering the flanks, while Echo and the engineers still tangle with the enemy tanks to their front or at least try to. Artillery still coming in and both sides are taking hits. One enemy Matilda II was immobilized and the crew bailed. He will NOT get back in! Two of my tanks pushed forward, after making sure a Matilda II to their front couldn't see them, and destroyed a Matilda I. Around the wadi, I pushed my infantry recklessly forward, because there was a vulnerable Matilda II. They traded fire with enemy infantry in a defile and Matilda Is north of the defile. They managed to soak off enough fire that two of my tanks were able to move up and dispatch the Matilda II. That leaves only one in the Delta/Echo/Foxtrot area and I know it is damaged. While all of this goes on, I see the occasional truck scoot forward and drop off more infantry. Not a mass of them mind you, just one here and there. Maybe they are trucks that I routed earlier and managed to recover before leaving the map.


Friendly: Estimated 15 casualties.

Enemy: 2xMatilda II and 1xMatilda I tanks destroyed. Estimated 15 casualties.
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