If you are really that fussed why not back it up, a basic CD would do it no need to zip or anything there should be space, second drive makes more sense mind.
I would much rather they spent their time developing the game rather than mucking about fixing what aint broke.
How many other games give you a new patch & develop it year on year my favorites are Revised FOO, ATGMs able to move & fire if have giros & recent changes to ammo loadouts. Oh & the revision to radio contact rules.
These changes have a big impact on the way the game plays & just thought of another the 5 key function that saves me a bucket load of time every game I play.
Sorry & I am in no way connected to Shrapnel or Camo games but you want him to spend time compiling it & sending down his band width to save you 10 minutes.
Got something important to do, no your going to spend some leisure time playing the game.
Hope all you guys moaning have at least bought it & are not expecting him to do it for free.
Sorry but its this attitude that really pisses me off I see a fix has been put out for Vista & Win7 with a request for feedback.
20 downloads I think how many people took 10 minutes to say it worked do you think.
Nah cant be arsed despite the fact it could be looked at & included in the next patch if it works. But then that would be another 10 minutes gone downloading that.