This game is going to be set up to progress nearly as quickly as possible to a conclusion. As such, it is using very non-standard conditions.
Game Conditions:
Conceptual Balance mod v. 1.6
36 hour timer enforced.
Middle Era
Small Random Map
9 starting provinces
Independent strength 1
75% special site frequency
300% money, 300% supplies, 300% resources
15 Hall of Fame entries
Random events common
Score graphs off
Easy research
Renaming Allowed
No victory conditions, but the game will end whenever the leading alliance has defeated all opposition.
Diplomacy is open and expected to involve as much stabbing in the back as people feel like. This game will hopefully move extremely quickly. You'll only be two or three provinces away from somebody else's capital, and are invited to take somebody out as quickly as possible. Prevent micro by finishing the game quickly.

Ideally, we'll have about five-ten players. Reserve your place now!
Current Players:
Graeme Dice - C'Tis
Squirreloid - Ashdod
Two-Bits - R'Lyeh
AdmiralZhao - Abysia
Folket - Bandar Log
Playing if we hear from him:
Paparapapa - Shinuyama