There are 18 nations, I have had 8 REALLY want 10 turns and another 3 want some kind of Nap agianst a rush as this is there first game or whatever.
I have also had a couple of the more Vetern Players think it was a Ok to good Idea and they can take it or leave it.
And I remember my A** Whoopin in my first game and again when Ashod first came on the scene, so I guess i am for it in some form (at least for the real new guys).
We compromised and made it 7 turns...the rush nations will get stronger and the rushee's will still get attacked but I feel I did my best to accommodate 18 different opinions.
This is the first game I have adminned or put together.....18 is a lot of opinions to deal with.
However, I MUST say you guys have not given a bunch of grief, you have just stated your opinion and lived with it.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU ALL as I have seen games where it has gone on and on and on adnauseum.
We need about 4 more pretenders and we go!!