
February 24th, 2004, 08:39 AM
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Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society
Need story
P.S. Found a hilarous site for computer Users and computer support.
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February 24th, 2004, 08:57 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society
yes, that sites funny, but i've got to much cynicism as it is.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
A* E* Se! Gd! $-- C-^- Ai** M-- S? Ss---- RA Pw? Fq Bb++@ Tcp? L++++
Some of my webcomics. I've got 400+ webcomics at Last count, some dead.
Sig updated to remove non-working links.

February 24th, 2004, 09:31 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society
Yes that site is indeed very very funny. 
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

March 22nd, 2004, 11:32 PM
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Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society
Has this story come to an end as well?
So many good stories and authors, alas, so little time to write them eh!

March 23rd, 2004, 05:31 AM
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Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society
Originally posted by Shrapnel:
Has this story come to an end as well?
So many good stories and authors, alas, so little time to write them eh!
NO! I plan on writing this week. 

March 23rd, 2004, 05:59 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society
Originally posted by Shrapnel:
Has this story come to an end as well?
So many good stories and authors, alas, so little time to write them eh!
"Time is the fire in which we burn. It is a preditor stalking us all of our lives. Oh sure you can out run it with doctors, medican, and technology, but in the end its going to hunt you down and make the kill." - STNG Dr. Soran
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

March 23rd, 2004, 06:03 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society
Time is the only thing allowing us to progress.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
A* E* Se! Gd! $-- C-^- Ai** M-- S? Ss---- RA Pw? Fq Bb++@ Tcp? L++++
Some of my webcomics. I've got 400+ webcomics at Last count, some dead.
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March 23rd, 2004, 08:30 PM
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Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society
Atrocities, Narf...
I don't know about all that, but I really plan to write this week. 

March 24th, 2004, 05:38 AM
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Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society
Showdown at Bardron VI-Part 2
The ships of Strikefleet Hellcat spread out in a line formation, covering almost two thousand miles of space. Each ship kept their electronic eyes and ears pointed at the Rage planet, always watching for new targets to come into view. The fleet was poised for an attack, ready to hit the enemy as hard as it could and try to soften the inevitable counterstrike. The only defensive installations that appeared on the Remorhaz scanners were the twelve phased-polaron bases, and six missile batteries. The information on these targets was broadcast throughout the fleet, and each ship was assigned to a target. The first strike had a good chance of totally crippling the Rage defenses.
The combat information center on Strikefleet Hellcat�s flagship, RSS Tarus was the heart of the fleet. The battle plot that was displayed before the commander of the fleet, Rear Admiral Shiro Sakazawa, displayed all of the data collected by the fleet so that he could have the most accurate and complete picture of the battle as possible. Nothing escaped his attention. He sat before the display tight-lipped as his fleet bore down on Bardron VI, his mind processing the data as quickly as it appeared on the screen. He had expected the Rage to build up their defenses in the month since his fleet had Last visited the planet, but all scans showed that they remained as they were. This could probably be explained by the fact that the Rage empire was down to its Last planet, and were probably incredibly short on raw materials. He made up his mind in that instant that there was nothing to be done about it now, anyway. His fleet would just have to keep their eyes out for any new targets, and deal with them if they appeared. He reached up and activated the com unit. The face of Captain Tim Danvers, captain of Tarus appeared.
�Yes, Admiral?� he asked.
�Tim, if you can, I want you to keep us in with the fleet. I don�t want the Rage to single out any of the ships, and I�m afraid that if we hold back, the Rage gunners will concentrate on Ganymede. Also, I want to maximize our firepower on the first strike, and this ship is a big part of that. Ok?�
Danvers nodded.
�Understood sir. We�ll be right in the thick of things.�
Shiro closed the link and looked back at the display. Bardron VI inched closer by the second.
Let�s get this over with, he though.
At fifteen hundred miles, the fleet stopped. On the right flank, the fighters continued to curl around the planet, followed by Mongoose and Badger and their complement of Space Marines. Once the first strike went in, this element was to charge the planet. If the initial attack by Hellcat failed to eliminate the defenses on the surface, the fighter�s would have to close with the planet to put their ordinance on the remaining targets. Since the Rage would probably concentrate on the capital ships anyway, the best tactic was for the fighters to head in as fast as possible. Since it was also hoped that the Rage would have too many targets to concentrate on at once, the assault transports would also head in, and get the Space Marines on the surface as quickly as possible. In space, they wouldn�t be able to do much, but once they were on the surface, they were lethal.
Mongoose moved into Rage missile range, to try and bait them into firing a salvo at them. The Rage obliged, firing half of their complement of missiles at the transport. Since it was the extreme edge of the missile�s effective range, Mongoose was able to quickly move out of range, ensuring that the missile strike would not hit them. With that strike finished, every ship in the fleet fired it�s main engines for a mad dash to maximum missile range.
As the ships closed in on the planet, in the combat information center on Tarus, one of the communication officers reported something strange.
�Admiral! There is some sort of unknown signal coming from�sir, it�s coming from us!�
Shiro snapped his eyes toward the officer, then to his assistant, Captain Terry Hall.
�Terry, check it out, please,� he ordered.
Hall moved quickly over to the officer�s station and looked down at the console.
�What have you got here, Lieutenant?�
The communications officer looked up at the Captain.
�I don�t know sir. I�ve never seen anything like it before, but it�s definitely coming from this ship.�
Hall looked at the data. �Get me Danvers.�
The com unit switched on.
�Danvers here.�
�Tim, are we broadcasting a signal of some sort?�
Danvers frowned. �We�re not supposed to be, but my com officer is looking at it. We can�t figure out what it is. I�ve localized it, and I�m sending a team to investigate.�
Hall nodded, and Rear Admiral Sakazawa�s face appeared on the screen.
�Have we figured this out yet, gentlemen?� he asked.
Danvers spoke up.
�We�re checking it out now, sir.�
At that moment, the Remorhaz ships reached firing range.
Sakazawa opened a new com channel to all ships in the fleet.
�Commence firing!� he shouted.
As one, the fleet opened up on the barren world.
Up and down the line, flashes of light winked into existence as depleted uranium cannons fired at ground targets and missiles were fired in massive salvos. It was truly and awesome display, which the news crews mixed in with the fleet eagerly recorded from any vantage point they could find.
On the surface, the effects were catastrophic. Gun batteries were smashed by missile and cannon fire, and missile batteries were silenced before they could fire their deadly payload. Enormous, burning craters pocked the surface of the planet as Rage defensive installations ceased to exist.
The Remorhaz first strike was just ending when the Rage sprung their trap. The communication officer in the combat information center had deciphered the signal. It was encrypted, but the source was clear. A Rage communication signal was beaming from their ship, sending information about the Remorhaz fleet to the defenders on the surface of Bardron VI. Moments after this discovery, at least twenty hidden Rage phased-polaron beam batteries activated their targeting electronics. All of these guns quickly locked onto RSS Tarus, and opened fire.

March 24th, 2004, 05:54 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society
 You are the greatest story teller on the forum. 
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