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Old May 28th, 2009, 12:44 AM
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Default New Independents

I'm making this thread to add new units that are intended as Independents, to the game. In working on one of my other mods, I ended up with some extra units that didn't really fit into the mod, but that I thought might be nice to see represented in the game, due to their historical relevance. These could either be added (separately) to the Barbarian/Wolf/Bear/Deer/etc independents, to form 4 separate new "tribes", or they could used on their own. So, here you go:

The first set is the Dacian Warrior and Dacian Chieftain.
Dacian warrior: armed with a Falx, (length of 3, 7 points of AP damage. +1 to Def) HP 10 Att 10 Def 11 Str 11 Siz 2 Prot 1, No armour/helmet. Move 9 Mor 12.
Dacian chieftain: armed with a Falx. HP 12 Att 10 Def 12 Str 11 Siz 2 Prot 4, Crown
Move 9 Mor 12. Average Leader.

The second set is Galician Warrior and Galician Chieftain
Galician warrior: armed with a bronze battleaxe (length 3, 7 points damage, -1 Att, -2 Def) HP. 11 Att 9 Def 8 Str 12 Siz 2 Prot 1, No armour/helmet. Move 10 Mor 12.
Galician Chieftain: armed with a broadsword. HP 12, Att 12 Def 12 Str 11 Siz 2 Prot 10, Bronze Helm (12), Bronze Pauldron (8). Move 10 Mor 15. Banner 0. Average Leader.

The third set is the 'Keltoi' and 'Keltoi Cadwalch' (Chieftain)
Keltoi: armed with a Keltic Longspear (length 5, 9 points damage, +1 Att, +2 Def) HP 10 Att 11 Def 12 Str 11 Siz 2 Prot 1, No armour/helmet. Move 10 Mor 12.
Keltoi Cadwalsh: armed with a Keltic Longspear, HP 10 Att 12 Def 12 Str 11 Siz 2 Prot 12, Bronze Helm (12), Bronze Breastplate (12). Move 10, Mor 12. Holy. Average Leader.

The fourth is the Cossack and the Cossack Chief.
Cossack: armed with a saber (length 3, 5 points damage, +1 Att, -1 Def) HP 12 Att 11 Def 14 Str 11 Siz 3 Prot 2, Ushanka (2), Chokha (2). Move 18, Mor 12. Stealth (0) Forest Survival. 25% cold resistance.
Cossack Chief: armed with a saber. HP 12 Att 12 Def 15 Str 11 Siz 3 Prot 2, Ushanka (2), Chokha (2). Move 18, Mor 14. 25% cold resistance. Forest Survival. Stealth (0) Poor Leader.

If I can find some other interesting peoples (and pictures to work from), I'll add some more. Hopefully, this will help make Independents just a little more interesting and challenging.

If anyone wants to use them as the basis for another Mod, you're also welcome to use them as is, add new units to what's here, base new units on them, or change them as you see fit. All stat listings are (at best) only suggestions.

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Name:	Galician.png
Views:	432
Size:	2.2 KB
ID:	8263   Click image for larger version

Name:	TheKelts.png
Views:	418
Size:	2.5 KB
ID:	8264   Click image for larger version

Name:	Cossacks.png
Views:	421
Size:	5.5 KB
ID:	8265  
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You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!

Last edited by HoneyBadger; May 28th, 2009 at 01:08 AM..
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Old May 28th, 2009, 02:32 AM
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Default Re: New Independents

Unfortunately, you can't mod independent poptypes. You could write over Deer/Bear etc tribes by making your new units replace them.
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.

If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me here.

See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.
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Old May 28th, 2009, 02:47 AM
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Default Re: New Independents

Well...no. This is intended to be actively added to independent provinces, if anyone wants to make maps with them, so that you can have more variety specifically than just "barbarians".
Each of these would qualify, atleast on some level, as "barbarians", and I think each could be put alongside the barbarians we have in the game, without seeming very out of place.

You could do the same to the Deer, etc. tribes, but you'd have to add them, rather than mod them into the population types. Eventually (Soon! Please! Events too, I hope!), I'm hoping we'll get that ability, to mod populations, and by that time, I hope to have fleshed these out just a little bit.

I'm not going to put a whole lot of effort into them, because I've got too many things to do as is, but it's a nice little distraction while I'm working, to make a sprite here, a unit there, without having to think about how they're going to fit into an overall plan.

If nothing else, it's an educational exercise.
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Old May 28th, 2009, 11:21 AM
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Default Re: New Independents

Definetly not wasted effort. Much appreciated HB. Its a portion of the game with very little done for it.

There are 3 options I can think of for using them.

1) Manually adding them to a map as you suggest (with appropriate mod loaded).

2) Replacing some indepts as Burnsaber mentioned using a mod. (Id love to see a full list of what indepts have no other use of the units to make them safe for replacement)

3) Using them by designing which type of provinces they would appear in (forest, waste, a lake, an island, a valley, etc) and adding it to the SemiRandom program for randomly placing in appropriate locations on maps (again requiring a mod be loaded)

Again it makes me wish that the --enablemod switch had a matching #enablemod map command

Gandalf Parker
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Old May 29th, 2009, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: New Independents

Thanks, Gandalf!

I'm really glad you appreciate them.

Using SemiRandom on them sounds like a great idea.

Since I don't have the time or the energy to make these into Nations, I also thought I'd mention some thoughts on the subject, to possibly inspire someone else to come along and take up where I started.

SemiRandom: The Galicians came from the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), so they might show up in warmer climates, close to water. An island would work great. In retrospect, I think I'd add a small amount of sailing to the Galician Chieftain.

If I were doing a Nation that featured these Galician units, I think I'd base them on the ancient "sea peoples" that were apparently operating in the Medeterranian, circa 2000 BC.


The original granddaddies of all pirates, in other words. Ones that caused a lot of trouble for the Egyptians, 4000 years ago.

SemiRandom: The Keltoi ofcourse ranged all over eastern Europe, so they might be found anywhere. It also wouldn't be unreasonable to add them to Marverni, or to make them a Celt-themed site summon. For that matter, it might be nice to see them added to Marverni's home province, as a recruitable, that would remain (ala hydra hatchlings) even if Marverni disappears.

SemiRandom: Dacians ranged from the Carpathian mountains to the Black Sea, so either mountains or lakes would work.

There's a lot of interesting things going on around the Black Sea area, and I think it would be quite possible to wring more than one good Nation out of there. If I were doing a Nation with Dacians in it, I think I'd go with something based around the Sarmatian peoples, and then add Dacian units in, as allies.

I'm not sure if anyone's aware, but there's a new theory that suggests much of the Arthurian cycle was actually based on elements of Sarmatian mythology, and encounters with Sarmatian military units who had been transplanted to Britain, after being conquered and forced into military service by the Romans. Apparently, they had mounted warriors who were not all that terribly different from medieval knights.

SemiRandom: The Cossacks would be the easiest to place: Pine Forest all the way. The colder the better.

A Cossack Nation is certainly possible, and would be nice to see. It might feature everything from proto-Russian Cuman/Kipchak influences and myth, more Black Sea elements-not to mention Siberia, Khazakhstan, and even Romish (Gypsy) flavours. It could become a nice counter-balance to Bogarus.
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Old May 30th, 2009, 07:35 AM
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Default Re: New Independents

The Galicians came from the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), so they might show up in warmer climates, close to water.
But Galicia is rather cold. A far call from Mediterranean sunny weather.
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Old May 30th, 2009, 09:01 AM
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Default Re: New Independents

True, very true--but I'm not sure how well SemiRandom can reflect that level of subtlety.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
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