I would suggest you talk to Pangea in privite with the knowledge nothing will be held agianst him regardless of what he says or does.
I REALLY feel bad I put him in this situation as If I had been here, this of course would not have happened.
I agree that a nation my size would disrupt the game as some will get numerous Provinces with no risk and shoot ahead of others....regardless of how much I try and compensate the others.
But Pangea is no less valuable to the game and he is a good player.
I will just say this....
If it was a 3 turn Nap I would have attacked him, and if it was a 5 turn Nap I also would have attacked him (I may not have won but I would have attacked).
But I also am a stickler for the unwritten rules and sometimes things just fall thru the cracks.
I don't want to hold the game up as we where cruising right along (good job folks!!), but I have my turn set up for an exit and if I am staying I need to talk to TC and redo my turn.
Because of Mothers Day we are not playing out of town and I am taking a well deserved break at the Pub this evening, I will check the Forum before I go out (in about 4 hours max) and have been known to close it up more than once.
Thanks for the support Scoop and Joe.
I know this looks simple to work out but lets not forget Pangea is in this also.
One thing I like about D3 is that there is a multitude of serious gamers and very intelligent people from all over the world that care about the game just because it is a game....
I am to prepare to drool all over myself now and will check later, I hope but can't promise that I won't feel like this in the morning
