
February 25th, 2009, 07:18 PM
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Re: Perking up the AI
The trick is in accessing the data. In Boa the wxPython help seems quite comprehensive. And when you combine that with the wx examples most things come to light fairly quickly.
The trick to using the examples is not just to open them in Boa (which links to them in the help menu), but to also run them from the wxPython install by selecting 'Run the Python wx DEMO'. This brings up an application that shows each example working so you can see what you are getting. It also gives a description and the code. This is more valuable than the help file. Actually - start here with the examples. Makes life SOOOO much easier. 
Want to auto back-up each turn?...Dom3Bak

February 26th, 2009, 12:09 AM
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Re: Perking up the AI
Originally Posted by pyg
I started with the built in BASIC interpreter on a 3k Commodore Vic-20. Since then I've dabbled in most common languages out there and ended up preferring Python for most tasks. I must have take a different path than you as I don't (if possible) write gui interfaces; preferring the command line instead. I use emacs for an editor so I can't advise you about a Python IDE although there are several out there. They won't be as nice as MS Visual tools though; MS does some things very well.
Anyway, most of my Dom3 experience has been SP and my favorite map is the SemiRand version of AoMOgre although it hosts slow for me because it is so big. Beautiful map, fun and exciting things to run into! I tried a little to get SemiRand to run in Wine but gave up easy. I'm interested in porting it to Python (command line, someone else can gui it) and adding it to dmg although it just changes the .map file right? Like a previous poster said it might be fun to add SemiRand stuff on the fly to MP games and/or make it more accessible. [Un]fortunately winter is nearing the end and I will soon be too busy to fool around on computers as much. Is SemiRand open and can I look at it, port it, etc.?
You are correct. SemiRandom does just change the ".map" file, and yes it is open to viewing, porting and modifying as you see fit. I wouldn't mind some credit and remind anyone interested in using any of the concepts/ideas/etc to remember that the inspiration for the project started with one of Gandalf's brainstorming pages and many of the features added were suggested by the big G as well.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the source for SemiRandom was included in the RanDom zip. What you are looking for is "SemiRandom.yab". This file can be opened in any text editor and was written in Yabasic. I will attach the latest released version of the source to this post.
(Really glad to read that you got some enjoyment from AoMOgre! I still want to do more maps in that style, but they are very time consuming projects.)

February 26th, 2009, 12:19 AM
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Re: Perking up the AI
Originally Posted by das123
Originally Posted by Ballbarian
What tool sets did you find useful when creating Dom3Bak? (Nice app btw!)
Thanks  .
I hunted around for a while trying to find something similar to VB where you can just drag and drop components into a frame. Everything I read about GUI and Python was contradictory. I tried placing the components by code but was a pain. There are a number of GUI libraries for Python, but that also makes it tricky. In the end I found what many said was the simplest setup (and I agree with them): - Latest Python
- wx Library
- Boa Constructor
All the work is done in Boa. You create a new application from the button bar by clicking new wx.App and it automatically brings in what you need. Click on Frame Designer and you're in WYSIWYG mode - dragging and dropping components into a frame. Boa also is a debugger so it becomes a very familiar working environment. There are also some good tutorials and examples that come with Boa that iron out most questions. 
das! I think you just saved me a TON of reading and trial & error. Within a short time I have Boa up and running and I am happily plopping down controls all over the place. Now if I can just figure out how to get them to do stuff.
Of course there is also the small matter of learning a new language, but hey, this is one hell of a good start.
Thanks a million.   

March 1st, 2009, 02:56 PM
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Re: Perking up the AI
Not sure where to post this actually so posting here in the most active relevant thread.
I made some auto-generated mods that have added custom nations using independent units with independent flags to mix in with other *original nation* ais. There 20+ added to each era so a straight mix will result in about 50% IndyFunPits AI nations. These aren't going to be as strong as *original nation* AIs but they will be hidden with their independent flags and independent units. Also capturing an IndyFunPits capital will give you a nice high pop province, but they don't get much in the way of magic sites.
If there were enough people interested it might be fun to try ~10 players with ~10 allied impossible IndyFunPits AIs on AoMOgre SemiRand version with independents-9 and fixed starts so AIs alternated players (maybe VP victory by 50% capitals). This would make a challenging start but most of the early game would be against independents not humans. After that whomever had the best early game would probably at least do very well. This would favor certain nations with good sacreds and awake SC pretenders.
Included are three mods, one for each era.
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March 1st, 2009, 03:49 PM
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Re: Perking up the AI
Originally Posted by pyg
Not sure where to post this actually so posting here in the most active relevant thread.
Included are three mods, one for each era.
WAY cool IMHO.
You probably should begin a new thread in the mods subdirectory just for discussing this mod and its changes. The first post in such a thread will always be able to be edited by you so it should contain description and the link to the file itself to allow for updates later.
Ummm... I have one request. Could you place the images in a subdir called ifp? Its become abit of a standard. That way the mod directory is only .dm files and each .dm refers to subdirs for anything else. It makes updates, deletions, and cleanups much easier
And by the way, Id be happy to host such a game.
Gandalf Parker
per peer-pressure preoccupation
My maps, mods, and mullings can be found at

March 1st, 2009, 06:51 PM
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Re: Perking up the AI
Wow, this thread looks really, really promising. I always felt sorry for SemiRandom, because it sounded such a GREAT idea but it got so little attention (from me as well) when you thought about how much it would add to everyone's enjoyment of Dominions.
P.S. Last week, I directed a 13-year-old student of my father towards Java and Python. He wants to learn programming, and I bet all this would be quite an inspiration.

June 3rd, 2009, 06:14 AM
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Re: Perking up the AI
Originally Posted by Ballbarian
Originally Posted by JimMorrison
I think what SemiRand really needs (borrowing from the rest of the winding journey of this thread), is a browser based designer. So for example, a page on the dom3minions server might have the same dialogues that are currently found in the downloadable exe, but the overt ease of creation and submission could likely spark a deluge of submissions - I am thinking that many people don't want to bother with it all for 1-2 provinces, but if all of those 1-2 province people were cajoled into submitting through the webservice, it would hugely magnify the number of available provinces.
Jack_Trowell was going to try his hand at adding support for semirand to his online tool a couple of years ago, but I haven't heard anymore about it. I think an online version of the Province & God Editors with a repository of the creations would be a great resource.
I have been away from DOM3 for a while, and my previous server had suffered a disk failure.
I have recently installed a new server and restored my backups.
There were some Perl modules not yet installed on the server, but it is done now, and my map randomizer is working again.
I suppose that adding suppord for semirand files (and a form to submit new provinces as was initially planned) should not be very hard, I will see what I can do.

June 3rd, 2009, 06:16 AM
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Re: Perking up the AI
Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Originally Posted by JimMorrison
I think what SemiRand really needs (borrowing from the rest of the winding journey of this thread), is a browser based designer. So for example, a page on the dom3minions server might have the same dialogues that are currently found in the downloadable exe, but the overt ease of creation and submission could likely spark a deluge of submissions - I am thinking that many people don't want to bother with it all for 1-2 provinces, but if all of those 1-2 province people were cajoled into submitting through the webservice, it would hugely magnify the number of available provinces.
I would be very interested in hosting this. Well actually in Ballbarians account on my server since all his projects are there already.
Anyone who knows any programming language might want to check and see if there are some available modules for accessing an Open Office spreadsheet. And code for tga2jpg or gif or png (I do have imagemagick on the server which can do that quite nicely). That way a web interface could be written to directly use Edi's database, the library of dom3 sprite images, and Ballbarians source files. Updating would be simple when those libraries are updated.
As a lazy alternative, there are a few people who have volunteered to convert loose ideas into turn-in code. If anyone has an idea for a province or god build (we seem to particularly need early and late era gods) then feel free to PM them to me. I might eventually get them done.
There are Perl modules for both OO parsing and image convertion.
I was planning to use them to expend my map editor by using Edi database, maybe I should start the project again.

June 3rd, 2009, 10:05 AM
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Re: Perking up the AI
That would be great. Id love to see an interactive province builder. And Im still willing to host anything you want to at Dom3Minions.com
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