
May 17th, 2002, 09:35 AM
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Re: OT: Star Wars Episode 2...
Originally posted by Atrocities:
I know that to get to point C from Point A you must pass through Point B...
Yeah, in Euclidean Space.
Though I know I am going to be disappointed, I am going to see Ep2; it just HAS to be done... like chores.

May 17th, 2002, 05:47 PM
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Re: OT: Star Wars Episode 2...
In all honestly I would have to say that from the time Anikin and his love were captured through the point where Tyrannus meets up with Palpatine, the movie was pure Star Wars. Everything prior to and after that was something else entirely.
I couldn't put it better myself. I'll add that the scenes with Obi-Wan on the cloning planet were enjoyable.
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May 18th, 2002, 10:36 AM
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Re: OT: Star Wars Episode 2...
OK, I'm bored and forced to be awake for another hour or so, so y'all get to hear my opinions on AotC, which I had the opportunity to watch about eight hours ago. I'm not all that awake, so I may not do a great job filtering spoilers. You Have Been Warned.
First off: I'm going to echo Will's comments about Ms. Portman. Hot hot hot. You don't need raging teen hormones to see that. Hell, my girlfriend noticed. We both think Kirsten Dunst was hotter in Spider-Man, though. YMMV.
Plot: I'm going to climb on my high horse--just for a moment--and ask where all of you who say you saw plot holes saw them. As a writer, I dare say the plot in AotC was pretty tight. There were a couple of loose ends, but we expect that from an ongoing story. Remember--like Lord of the Rings, the story doesn't end here. Prior to this, only A New Hope and Return of the Jedi had solid endings--the former because Lucas couldn't be sure he'd be making the other movies, the latter because, well, it's the end of a story. In the most basic sense, though, guns on the mantelpiece in Act I were fired in Act III (cf. Anton Chekhov).
I know, I know, the plot's all political intrigue wrapped around a love story, and I can hear you saying: "Less politics, less kissing, more ***-kicking." To you I say: Go rewatch The Princess Bride, and remember that politics and kissing are generally necessary to make ***-kicking possible in a story. Often one or the other is a motive for said ***-kicking.
Acting: Meh. What do you expect? Even Harrison Ford was a carpenter when he got the job for the original Star Wars. Ewan McGregor and Christopher Lee do credible jobs, though--and let's face it, Ewan McGregor is filling some pretty big shoes (namely, Sir Alec Guinness, the original Obi-Wan).
Character Development: Perhaps not as great as the original, but it's certainly a helluva lot better than Phantom Menace. I mean... there were actual characters this time around.
Other: Graphics were awesome, but a movie can't really stand on those alone. Sound... eh. John Williams wrote great stuff for Star Wars in 1977, but he seems unable to write anything new for Star Wars; the same ol' themes keep popping up, and though recognizable... still. Toss the onionskin, Johnny.
The action was great, exactly what Star Wars is about. If nothing else, you must see this movie to see Yoda kick some major ***.
OK, there's my overly-analytical five or six cents. Next?

May 18th, 2002, 11:11 AM
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Re: OT: Star Wars Episode 2...
I thought the movie was pretty good, definately better then ep. 1. I didn't even think about the clones not attacking. My question is: When Natalie Portman got attacked by the large tiger-like creature was it just me or was it something out of a porn movie. "oh no the monster ripped my shirt off"? Just wondering.
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May 19th, 2002, 01:03 AM
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Re: OT: Star Wars Episode 2...
It went Openning credits...Drag....Action...Drag...Action...love... drag...action...drag...action...love...drag...love ..drag...action...action.drag...drag...love...end.
If you want to make star wars good again get rid of lucas.
After the Empire Strikes Back they have all been rather on the weak side.
My one question is why does the star wars universe not have railings. Man I would be falling all over the place. No railings on landing pads, walkways etc...
When you watch the movie. There is a 2 minute scene where you will be thinking. That is going to be tricky in the video game.
I rate it a 6 out of 10. Spiderman was a better movie ( if you can only see one of them)
I like what S.Jackson said to Lucas for movie 3.
I know I am going to die and i don't want my character dying some cheezie death like boba fett did.
old avatar = http://www.shrapnelgames.com/cgi-bin...1051567998.jpg
Hey GUTB where did you go...???
He is still driving his mighty armada at 3 miles per month along the interstellar highway bypass and will be arriving shortly

May 19th, 2002, 03:16 AM
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Re: OT: Star Wars Episode 2...
I've been thinking about some of the criticism for the movie, and I have a theory on why many fans don't like this movie. All of them are going in expecting A New Hope or The Empire Strikes Back. There are multiple references about how things were "better" in some other movie, and I think it's gotten to the point where anything new isn't tolerated.
I believe the same thing happened with fans of SEIII after Aaron released the SEIV demo. They all wanted their right-click menus back. Some complained about the new production model. Playing styles had to be adjusted... "how can we play with only twelve research and twelve intel projects?". They wanted another SEIII, and SEIV was something new.
Just a theory 
GEEK CODE V.3.12: GCS/E d-- s: a-- C++ US+ P+ L++ E--- W+++ N+ !o? K- w-- !O M++ V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t- 5++ X R !tv-- b+++ DI++ D+ G+ e+++ h !r*-- y?
SE4 CODE: A-- Se+++* GdY $?/++ Fr! C++* Css Sf Ai Au- M+ MpN S Ss- RV Pw- Fq-- Nd Rp+ G- Mm++ Bb@ Tcp- L+

May 19th, 2002, 05:17 AM
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Re: OT: Star Wars Episode 2...
I've been thinking about some of the criticism for the movie, and I have a theory on why many fans don't like this movie. All of them are going in expecting A New Hope or The Empire Strikes Back. There are multiple references about how things were "better" in some other movie, and I think it's gotten to the point where anything new isn't tolerated.
Nice guess, but in my case wrong.
I will tell you why I am dissapointed by Ep2 when compared to Ep 4 thru 6. Simply put, no character development and way bad acting. Basically put, no Han Solo, or Chewbacca or Bad guy that I loved to hate. Ep 4 thru 6 aside from some bad acting, had good character development from Luke Skywalker thur Darth Vader. Ep 1 had Qui Gon Gin (sp) and that was it. Ep 2 has no one of interest until the middle of the movie. We were introduced to the adult Anikin in an elevator for crying out loud. Oh ya, that really peaked my interest in the character. The only two or three characters that were worth a damn were Jingo Fett, Count Dukoo, Bobo Fett and too some small degree Obi One, the rest were uninspiring at best.
When it came to the story, it lacked detail. Correction, it lacked attention to detail. There is a differance. There may have been a few plot holes, but those could be over looked for now. The attention to detail and uninteresting character development is what turned me off to this movie. It opened like a really bad book, and ended without a climax scene. It just doesn't have the attention to detail that one would expect. Hell Ep1 even had better attion to detail. Its the lack of the small stuff that gets you into trouble with a movie. Weak endings, poor character development, un-interesting beginning, and a lack luster plot that could have been far more than what it had become, easilly spell doom for a movie.
I also hate the fact that we were told Jar Jar dies in this movie, and he ends up living. That is unexcuseable! 
[ May 19, 2002, 04:28: Message edited by: Atrocities ]
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May 19th, 2002, 08:34 AM
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Re: OT: Star Wars Episode 2...
Saw it friday,tho i like the movie better then ESP 1 ,I will see it again just for the clone battle & the litte green guy fight... NOTE; made me want to go to bathroom, . You guys are right?? there should of been more of chacter identy,like names of master jedi es, etc. I cant remember where, b  ut all MASTER jedi es have a unique force ability traight,which shouldve been in movie,Besides that wind push me back . I dont know his name but he has a long neck and can stop a persons heart. Also a lady jedy that can leap like a frog & swing attack .

May 19th, 2002, 05:15 PM
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Re: OT: Star Wars Episode 2...
Another problem I think is that were waiting ( the older people here) for some of that magic spark to appear. ( You know the one where you just smile at the screen and get sucked right into to movie and say 'yeaaaaaaaaaaaa') and it is not there.
The backgrounds are amazing. I just wish that attention to detail was included in the foreground.
old avatar = http://www.shrapnelgames.com/cgi-bin...1051567998.jpg
Hey GUTB where did you go...???
He is still driving his mighty armada at 3 miles per month along the interstellar highway bypass and will be arriving shortly

May 19th, 2002, 05:24 PM
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Re: OT: Star Wars Episode 2...
I'm going to see it in about an hour. I have no expectations except to see some big spaceships...that is all I hope for. I have never expected Star Wars to be any more than that.
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