Ha ha TC. Unfortunately for you, the score charts are on. We are a bunch of Taliban like kingdoms vs. your super powerful American military-like sorcery.
And just so Capuchin history is clear I need to clarify some of your facts:

Fomoria: never faced them once
Abysia: come on, Niefel is obligated to attack these climate destroying fireballs
Ermor: I don't know what happened to them. By the time Niefel faced them it seemed someone else had already got to them. we never saw a single undead and we were rescuing our little elf friends anyway...
As for the earlier post, we frosties are peaceful. We ended the NAP but what the wily TC forgot to mention was we did not attack...not even TC's empty provinces near our border. We were brutally assaulted. Niefelheim giants violated in the street. It was ugly folks...(think Mighty Joe Young in the snow)
On the 800+ giants, 40+ provinces..I don't think there is enough food to supply such outlandish figures. Plus provinces are clearly depicted on the score graphs. Whatever Niefel has, TC has 2x...
Not lost a single giant?! Come on Everz, we both saw you brutally strike down that one Jarl I forgot to take off of Patrol mode. Cut down in a hail of arrows and communion empowered phoenix pyres. I wonder how many resources were consumed just to wipe that hapless dude off the map?
And your global enchantments, Tartarians, Elemental Queens of Air, etc. speak for themselves.
So now that we have cleared that up, Nystul, the reluctant god of Niefelheim, can get back to watching basketball while the sun sets on the declining Niefel empire....