
June 12th, 2007, 02:00 AM
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Re: Ma R\'Lyeh
A History of MA Pythium
By Felodeus Imperial Historian, and Arch Theurg.
It has fallen to me to prepare a history of the great empire of Pythium. At the request of his Holiness Hopper the Prophet of the Goddess Glory, and Regent of our divine child Emperor, I reluctantly agreed to attempt this chronicle. Following is a series of reports from various sources that detail the actions and motivations of the Pythium government.
Year 1 of the Regency of his Holiness Prophet of the Goddess Glory.
We have encountered moderate resistance to our army of legionnaires mostly barbarian tribesmen and small isolated villages. Almost all are willing to bow to the mighty armies of Pythium.
Late in the summer of year one, we have come upon easterners that speak of lands not too distant ruled by men who call themselves the T'ien Ch'i. I would caution the Generals tread lightly in the east and send the diplomats to assess these easterners.
Cornelius 1st Centurion of Pythium.
To his Holiness. We have reached and agreement with both MA T'ien ch'i, to our east and LA Abysia to the north east. Both nations have agreed to peaceful relations with us and I hope for prosperous trade. As per your last request I shall make haste to the west to speak with the nations of EA Caelum, Ea Arco, and EA Mictlan. May the light of the Goddess shine on you.
Your servant.
Ambassador Trodor.

June 12th, 2007, 09:44 PM
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LA T\'ien Chi
[ExScrolls of Soje Khan]cerpt from the Forgotten
... And behold, the steadfast forces of LA Tien Chi has held fast against the massed armies of MA Arco. Devestating casualties were inflicted with minimal friendly losses, regrettably their "pretender" fled before paying for his temerity.
... A troubling season this, even as the armies of MA Arco were bloodied our scouts report masses of troops flying the colors of LA Marignon on our borders. Their leader has been quiet, dissolving all agreements a few months ago - leading our advisors to believe collusion with MA Arco.
... Murmurs of unease flow through the populace, multiple armies threaten. Our soldiers stand firm, yet there are rumbles amongst the people. Our diplomats are busy, working to secure outside assistance against multiple enemies. We beseech our neighbors for help! While most of our military is intact, it will be difficult.
[Excerpt from the Forgotten Scrolls of Soje Khan]
......*Click*Clack*Click*Clack* Destiny hangs in the balance, the numbers of the invaders are worrisome. No, not MA Arco, they have been pushed back and our secondary army is currently sieging their capital.
No, the second cur to invade our lands, LA Marignon. With no provocation we were invaded yet again! After much calculation it seems the invading force has approximately 200 troops comprised of the usual national troops interspersed with about 12 magi. Reports from the overrun province recall a strange flying monkey-like creature with large craniums, previously unknown to us. Other than a putrid stench, they seem unremarkable - yet add another facet to be wary of.
...This next month will be telling, if fate smiles on our people we will turn back the invaders. Luckily other nations have seen our plight and have pledged aid. Even now friendly troops are causing mayhem in the trespasser's rear provinces. We pray fate smiles kindly.

June 15th, 2007, 05:14 PM
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Re: LA T\'ien Chi
A Report on the war to defeat the aggressor nation, HA Helheim. The story of EA Vanheim and our glorious war of victory over the agressors, EA Helheim.
The full story soon to follow.
"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." - Winston Churchill

July 14th, 2007, 12:51 AM
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Re: LA T\'ien Chi
With a deep intesity General Aithwyav's sharp eyes peered Southeast towards the highlands of Farseer Mountains. Already the leaves there darkened, gaining a brittleness unseen since the Seraphim Wars when the ancestors of the Raptor Clan were disovered practicing the blasphemous ways of the Dark Arts and were forced from the Kingdom. Even after the return of the Raptors and their now-limited knowledge of Death Majiks, the delicate balance between Growth and Death had been maintained to the benefit of the lush lands ruled by the Seraphs. Now once again the blight of Death spread, this time from a source wholly out of the realm and understanding of the Raptors.
Suddenly Aithwyav broke out of his fierce concentration, startled by the presence that seemingly materialized next to him.
"I feel it, Lord Aithwyav. And I cannot lie when I say it feels like it infuses me with pure, raw power. It is the force of Inevitability, of Oblivion, of Death. It excites me yet repulses me." Zbaurvant the Caretaker stood beside Aithwyav, his eyes glowing a strange purplish hue.
"Control yourself Caretaker, lest I decide in your disfavor to which side you truly belong." Aithwyav's eyes glared at Zbaurvant.
"No fear General. You know where my loyalties lie. I may have sworn the Way of Harab but what true family I cannot have now exists within the heart of our kin. And what we spy approaching does not bode well for us." Zbaurvant sighed and Aithwyav detected a note of regret in that loose of air.
"Yes, you are correct about your ill tidings. But know that if the time draws near, your heart will feel my Ice Blade before I allow you to taste the power you seemingly desire." Aithwyav ran his blade along his palm to increase the effect of his threat.
"Heh, no worries M'Lord. I expect you await news from our Soveriegn, Lady Serenity?" Zbaurvant inquired.
"Yes, and it worries me that we haven't yet received word from her. It was over two months ago that she and High Marshall Caelos left with the Army. I am now quite concerned." Aithwyav returned his Blade to its scabbard with an audible snap.
"As am I. Two weeks ago a Black Servant dispatched by Elder Grifec brought me word that Serenity had convinced Caelos to drive into Old Man Mountains. She knew that The Ashen Empire had annexed what was previously ours and seemed determined to gain it back." Zbuarvant waved his arm in the general direction of the Northeast, towards Old Man Mountains. Aithwyav blanched at hearing mentioned the name of the long lost dreaded Empire.
"I haven't received word since." Zbaurvant leaned heavily on his skull-encrusted staff.
"There." Aithwyav's gaze sharpened towards the North. A dark cloud appeared in the sky, gaining size until it crystallized into dozens of individual specks.
"So our Army returns." Muttered Zbaurvant. Squadron after squadron of Spire Archers alighted in the city of LA Caelum, reforming ranks as Squadronnaires barked orders. With a rush of wings, a Storm General landed heavily on the Central Tower next to Aithwyav.
"Greetings Lord Marshall." General Dashtayana bowed before Aithwyav.
"Brother, do not bow." With a smile and a thump, Aithwyav slapped Dashtayana on his back.
"I must my Lord. As much as I wish it were not so, I bring news that you are now Grand Marshall of the Army of Caelum." Dashtayana's gaze remained glued to the gleaming Ice Greaves worn by Aithwyav.
"What? But it cannot be so!" Exclaimed Aithwyav. "What of Serenity? Lord Caelos!"
"Gone Lord Marshall. Both ascended to whence they came. Both lost in a glorious fight but defeated nonetheless. Caelos wading in amongst hundreds of deathly warriors, shattering bone and helm as he bellowed his fury. Serenity herself laying waste to a Legion of Devils as they tried to cut down our Archers. But on they came, and there was nothing we could do to prevent the relentless tide washing over us." Dashtayana bowed even lower, if that was possible.
"It cannot be!" Aithwyav muttered.
"I'm afraid so Sir." Replied Dashtayana. "Losses were grievous for the Undead as well but you know they raise two more for every one we send back to the grave."
"Yes. I truly know. Very well. Reorganize our forces and get them fed and rested. More battles lie ahead and by the Gods we will acquit ourselves well. Maybe even pull out of this." With that declaration, Aithwyav strode back into the tower.

October 24th, 2007, 05:27 PM
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Re: LA R\'lyeh
Bones, Lord of the Dead, true god, leader of MA Ctis, tells the tale of his people. MA Ctis are an evolved and advanced Lizard society. Though warlike in nature, they are honorable allies as well as terrible foes.
MA Ctis has been at war it its entire history. First with Sauomatia, then with the LA Atlantis Alliance(LA Man, MA Oceania, LA Atlantis, and finally EA Lanka. Bones was the first to expose this alliance, and it was Bones that named it. Finally, it was Bones that defeated it.
Of the once great LA Atlantis Alliance none remain. Their people either destroyed, or dying and leaderless. MA Ctis, though a humble race, now owns 4 capitals, including its own.
Bones is Immortal. As the last vestiges of EA Lanka are dealt with, Bones gazes to the future. What new challenge awaits his people? Will peace hold sway over the lands of the Lizards? What race dares to attack MA Ctis who has defeated all they have faced? Or will MA Ctis become the aggressor for the first time and liberate an enslaved population who yearns to worship Bones?
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.
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