GameExtremist said:
OOC - Nice game Boron, it certainly made my game a challange for the last 20 turns or so. Thanks

We definitely had an interesting war. My last secret trick i wanted to try unfortunately didn't work.
You really chose a good design for these game settings. On a normal map you would have had some money problems and wouldn't have been able to research fog warriors so fast and get so many wind riders. But you adapted perfectly to the game settings and your strat worked much better then i thought.
My rationing was like that:
My 3 neighbors were Ermor, Abysia and you. Ermor quickly suggested a nap and since their mages are quite useful i gladly accepted. Abysia was also willing to make a nap and i was content since fighting vs. lava warriors early on would have been a nightmare. They proved this by quickly crippling ulm.
When you were at war with Ermor this seemed like the perfect opportunity to get some additional terrain. The rest of the story you know all too well
