From the file "Screen_Shots.TXT" that can be found in the \Game Notes folder
How to take a screen shot with WinSPMBT and WinSPww2
In the past screen shots in SP based games were done with a utility called SPCap.
Unfortunately, SPcap only works with DOS based games so it will not work with WinSPMBT and WinSPww2.
There are two rules for taking screen shots with WinSPMBT
1] When the game is run in windowed mode screen shots are very easy to get . While the game is running press
ALT+PrtScn on your keyboard then open any graphics program. Paint Shop Pro and Corel are what I used for the
graphics in this game. If you use PSP after ALT+PrtScn you can call up the screen shot by going to the Edit tab then
selecting " Paste, as new image" or in Corel it's under "File" and then click on " New from Clipboard". If all you have
is MS Paint you can still call up the screen shot by clicking on the Edit tab then press "Paste"
( or just press Ctrl-V after MS Paint loads)
2] In full screen mode the ALT+PrtScn technique does not work. You need a screen capture utility like Hypersnap or UOSU running in the background