
February 9th, 2007, 01:09 PM
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Re: New Nation(s): Exile/Avernum
Bon-Ihrno is an important character (hero?) from the game I think
Nephilim Names:

February 9th, 2007, 01:17 PM
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Re: New Nation(s): Exile/Avernum
I don't think that merging Avernum and Vahnatai as one race is a good idea. Vahnatai are aliens to men (even enemies in A3). Avernum should be like in A4 (if you played it) - men, cats and lizards. Without aliens 
Maybe add Vahnatai as a third nation? That would be cool.

February 9th, 2007, 02:26 PM
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Re: New Nation(s): Exile/Avernum
I haven't played much of the Avernum series although I played all through Exile 1-3 back in the day. Although it was Vahnatai in Exile 3 causing most of the trouble in Exile 2 (mid era effectively) they were allies of the Exiles.
For now I've pretty much come up with a 'whatif' alternate scenario for avernum/exile (exile II era) which allows them to semi-fit into the dom3 world. In the future I may well create a seperate Vahnatai faction as well as 'feral' Nephilim and Slith nations. As it stands this nation has a bit of all 4 races but it is clearly ruled by the Vahnatai and at least in v0.3 the avernites actually only have 2 units and 1 leader (that I /will/ be changing in the next release version).
I could make a totally faithful Exile mod but it would take a lot longer and I'm not sure how well it would fit into dom3 anyway. For the time being enjoy the nostalgic graphics and give me a little feedback (be as critical as you like, but try to be constructive).
Cheers ;]

February 9th, 2007, 03:45 PM
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Re: New Nation(s): Exile/Avernum
Note to other mac users:this mod is NOT mac compatible.Enabling this mod anc clicking "create new game" results in a crash 

February 9th, 2007, 04:10 PM
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Re: New Nation(s): Exile/Avernum
Are you sure that's a mac compatability issue?
I admit I don't know anything about macs but I can't see why there would be any problem with this running on any copy of dom3. Does anyone else have it working? It's possible there's just something up with the copy I uploaded.
For now all I can say is it works for me,.. I'm running dom3 version 3.00.

February 9th, 2007, 04:19 PM
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Re: New Nation(s): Exile/Avernum
I'm running version 3.06 and I can't downgrade my version to verison 3.00 (maybe you should get the patch?)

February 9th, 2007, 04:27 PM
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Re: New Nation(s): Exile/Avernum
Well I don't see how the version I'm running would alter anything either. All that has changed regarding mods is the adding of more available commands, at least as far as I am aware....
Unless of course there's some new weapons, units, names, nations etc added in the patch which conflict with those in this mod. I doubt that because I didn't use the numerical values immediately following the vanilla ones.
Well I'll wait for some more feedback on whether it's working or not then I'll see what I can do. Obviously half the point of making this was that other people would enjoy it.

February 9th, 2007, 04:53 PM
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Re: New Nation(s): Exile/Avernum
Version 3.04 adds a new EA nation (Lanka) maybe that has something to do with it?

February 9th, 2007, 08:51 PM
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Re: New Nation(s): Exile/Avernum
Well, I'm a fan of the series, played all four of them so I'll definitely try your mod in my next game 

February 10th, 2007, 12:17 AM
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Re: New Nation(s): Exile/Avernum
I'd love to hear that someone actually has this working.
In the meantime here's a pic of the recruit units screen. As you can see it's something of a multicoloured nation. Very disney.
Having playtested them a little bit my own conclusion is that missile weapons are their absolute worst enemy. A lot of their units wear no armour at all and if there's anything heavier than a light drizzle falling from the sky those expensive Vahnatai (the warriors particularly) just fall to pieces. I think I need to lower a lot of the gold costs too, considering how fragile the units are.
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