
November 28th, 2006, 03:25 PM
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Re: What Is More Important To You?
I'd take SEIV's graphics with SEV's game play ability, over any game with awesome graphics, but limited playability.

November 28th, 2006, 03:47 PM
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Re: What Is More Important To You?
SE IV graphics and SE V combat engine and modding abilities would absolutely satisfy me.

November 28th, 2006, 04:20 PM
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Re: What Is More Important To You?
Game play! By far! I still like a little eye candy mind you (and ear candy for that matter), but that is secondary to having fun.

November 28th, 2006, 04:25 PM
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Re: What Is More Important To You?
I fear I've been spoiled by the new graphics. However, I would prefer an SE4 graphics system with hex grids over the SE5 system that takes 20 minutes to process a turn with 13 players.

November 28th, 2006, 04:32 PM
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Re: What Is More Important To You?
Gameplay, offcourse............
untill SEV I was still playing SEIV on a daily bases for more 6 years............ and was never bored, allthough I changed mods on a regular bases, WHICH OFFCOURSE is the power of SEIV and hopefully SEV

November 28th, 2006, 05:00 PM
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Re: What Is More Important To You?
Always the meat and potatoes of game play for me over flashy graphics.

November 28th, 2006, 07:22 PM
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Re: What Is More Important To You?
Baal said:
I fear I've been spoiled by the new graphics. However, I would prefer an SE4 graphics system with hex grids over the SE5 system that takes 20 minutes to process a turn with 13 players.
Unfortunately the graphics aren't at the root of that problem..
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November 28th, 2006, 09:42 PM
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Re: What Is More Important To You?
President_Elect_Shang said:
The way a game plays hands down no debates accepted! In the graphics department I prefer detailed 2-D graphics over 3-D.
I agree.
I've played games with 3-D graphics and I just don't get the appeal. I've got a 1 year old computer, and have found 3-D games to be nothing but resource hogs. They run slower, and that's about it.
A "pretty" picture doesn't give you any more game. With SEV I just don't see the point. I can zoom the system in and out, and rotate it, but after you've done that a few times (or a few dozen times), then what?
I don't have any additional resources to manage. The ship icons are too small. Diplomacy, from what I've been reading here, is broken. Other gameplay elements that I'd hoped for, things that would strengthen the illusion of running the government of an empire, are absent.
Give me a 2D game with crisp graphics and lots of empire-running options over 3D any day. SEIV. Caesar III. Pharoh/Cleopatra. Civ III. Victoria. Patrician II or III.
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November 28th, 2006, 09:45 PM
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Re: What Is More Important To You?
Kana said:
Santiago I dont know when you were born, but I remember before there were video games. One of my all time favorite games was one I played on the the Atari 800. It was a wargame sim of Midway, and the graphics were all ascii characters. I played that game for hours, it was nail bitting sending out your fighters to attack the carriers, and you wait patiently for the text report of how many you lost, and how many carriers you hit and or sunk.
Ah, I remember that thread... May 2004, good times.
Here is the compiled, colorized and speed-limited version of the game that we ended up with:
If I wanted graphics over gameplay, I'd visit a movie theater...
Things you want:

November 28th, 2006, 11:47 PM
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Re: What Is More Important To You?
Kana said:
I agree completely with you AT...
Santiago I dont know when you were born, but I remember before there were video games. One of my all time favorite games was one I played on the the Atari 800. It was a wargame sim of Midway, and the graphics were all ascii characters. I played that game for hours, it was nail bitting sending out your fighters to attack the carriers, and you wait patiently for the text report of how many you lost, and how many carriers you hit and or sunk.
Good example, I remember a port of that game or a knock off to the XT. I also remember hundreds of hours running contraband in Elite on the C64! 
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