
November 25th, 2006, 04:05 PM
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Re: SE5 - 1.17 Patch Out
There was talk of point defense accuracy being different at different speeds. If that's still true it may be affecting other weapons as well. Are you running tactical and strategic both at 8x?

November 25th, 2006, 04:06 PM
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Re: SE5 - 1.17 Patch Out
I can still order planets to move in simultaneous play.
Oops, thought this was two different threads.

November 25th, 2006, 04:07 PM
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Re: SE5 - 1.17 Patch Out
Starjack, then your DDs aren't as advanced as you think. There IS a random element to combat- namely what weapons hit and when.
If you could post a savegame I could figure out what's going on with more detail.
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- Digger

November 25th, 2006, 04:58 PM
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Re: SE5 - 1.17 Patch Out
Phoenix-D, Here you goThanks!

November 25th, 2006, 05:11 PM
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Re: SE5 - 1.17 Patch Out
My biggest question though, is am I the only one that can't get Strategic combat to work or are there others? In other words, is the coding for Strategic combat going to be tweaked or am I SOL?

November 25th, 2006, 05:16 PM
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Re: SE5 - 1.17 Patch Out
No offense, but if you're talking about the DD-Duc 2 destroyers, then I'm afraid you've gone the wrong way when designing. Your problem is that you've filled it with guns; as it happens, armor > guns. Your FF-Escort-2 has far more armor and therefor easily wins against your 1-armor destroyers.
To see what I mean, copy your FF-Escort-2, remove one of the guns and fill in the freed tonnage with more armor. You'll see the new ship you just made beat your old frigates.
Also note that the actual size difference between the frigate and that destroyer is only 25 tonnage. I.e., tiny.
How do you manage to play with that camera angle O_O
I'd suggest you get a hold of the Balance Mod if you haven't tried it already. The number of issues it fixes is immense. It changes research slightly( fewer and more expensive tech levels instead of cheap and many tech levels ), but it is basically the same game, only better.
Not sure about the crashing problems. Think there was a few others who had it as well. Do you happen to have a dualcore CPU or some such?

November 25th, 2006, 05:32 PM
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Re: SE5 - 1.17 Patch Out
Ok, I took a look.
FF-Escort-2 vs DD-Duc-2, those being the latest frigate and destroyer designs. The Frigate has more armor and one less gun.
In simulation, the FFs win most of the time. The DDs do occasionally get lucky; both sides miss a lot, so if the DDs get a couple of solid salvos in that can turn the side.
So yeah, the results you were getting aren't out of character at all. The ships are fairly evenly matched, with the edge going to the FFs because of the thicker armor.
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- Digger

November 25th, 2006, 07:11 PM
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Re: SE5 - 1.17 Patch Out
StarJack on my computer the strategic combat runs without problems.
One reason why your ships perform so badly is that they have a lot of supplies but very little ordnance. So their DUC run out of ammunition very fast.

November 25th, 2006, 10:58 PM
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Re: SE5 - 1.17 Patch Out
Thanks for taking a look guys! My machine is a dual core, a Sony RA840G, I've posted the specifics previously. The crashes occur with 1 or both CPU's enabled. The funny thing is that with one of the patches, I think .08, strategic started working. Now it's busted again, so I can hope it'll start working again with another patch.
I wasn't even planning for an attack I just saved off and attacked to see if it was working, I was assuming it was "still" fixed. That's what I get for assuming. The DD-DUC's were slapped together primarily as scout ships, the FF'S designed for eventual escort/picket fleet duty. I usually don't put much thought into the ships until they get to CA size.
Always worked in SEIV, (which I know this isn't) and my overall strategy will need to be revamped. Funny as it sounds, tactical ship combat was not one of the key things I was looking forward to in SEV. Better graphics, diplomacy, treaties etc. was.
I've pretty much always used strategic combat. I did well (against the AI and a couple friends) at SEIV by growing a powerful economy and using overwhelming firepower when the stuff hit the fan. This savegame is not at all indicative of how I usually play, I'm still goofing around trying to learn the interface. I usually go for missile ships early, then hump it to PPB's, etc. but due to the fleet/ordinance problems with this game I went away from that.
I'll contact tech support and send them the save game again. I had started this process initially but when one of the patches fixed the crash problem I called and told them to drop it.
Thanks again for your time and advice!

November 25th, 2006, 11:05 PM
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Re: SE5 - 1.17 Patch Out
Correction- I was running my tests in the simulator. When I do the actual attack, the game crashes at the end of Strategic combat..
I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
- Digger
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