
November 7th, 2001, 09:08 PM
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What I Hate Most About SEIV
Oh this is going to be an ongoing list.
1. The AI, going from being a great ally to declaring war in one turn without cause. (NO, I am not a mega evil empire, in fact, I am in 9th place)
2. Lack of wheel mouse support.
3. SLOW --- SUPER SLOW turn times.
(1 down, 3 to go.)
[This message has been edited by Atrocities (edited 08 November 2001).]
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November 7th, 2001, 09:33 PM
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Re: What I Hate Most About SEIV
1. Inability to save mid-turn in simultaneous games, you have to do your turn all at once.
2. When retrofitting, the screen that has the potential retrofit types includes those that cost more than 50% of the original design so you have to calculate manually to see if a design is valid for retrofit.
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November 7th, 2001, 10:39 PM
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Re: What I Hate Most About SEIV
Well, if you dont want your planet list to show systems that you have marked as "avoid", then you must make sure there is a little green dot by the option, "no sys to avoid" in the planet list. Then you won't see any planets from avoided systems. But you've been here a while, so shouldn't you know that already?
[This message has been edited by apache (edited 07 November 2001).]

November 7th, 2001, 11:04 PM
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Re: What I Hate Most About SEIV
- When I sometimes assign a ship to a path for the upcoming movement (simultaneous movement) you don't always see the ship path/blue lines showing it's proposed route.
A pain when you come back to it and can't tell where you have sent it when you select it.
Trk'Tri of the Kilrathi Clan

November 8th, 2001, 03:10 AM
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Re: What I Hate Most About SEIV
I still detest the cruddy attempt to make a "cool" looking interface. The SE III interface was light-years better. If the game play weren't so addicting I'd have gotten too annoyed to play for long. 

November 8th, 2001, 03:36 AM
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Re: What I Hate Most About SEIV
quote: Originally posted by Baron Munchausen:
I still detest the cruddy attempt to make a "cool" looking interface. The SE III interface was light-years better. If the game play weren't so addicting I'd have gotten too annoyed to play for long. 
 I know that most the people that knew SE3 before SE4, consider much better the SE3 interface.
We have complained many times about the features that had SE3 and we lost with SE4... and sadly I'm pretty sure that we'll have not luck.

November 8th, 2001, 03:40 AM
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Re: What I Hate Most About SEIV
quote: Well, if you dont want your planet list to show systems that you have marked as "avoid", then you must make sure there is a little green dot by the option, "no sys to avoid" in the planet list. Then you won't see any planets from avoided systems. But you've been here a while, so shouldn't you know that already?
Good GOD! Um, so I missed that one.
Thanks for the tip, I appreciate you making a fool of me in public.  Or was it I who made me a fool in public?
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November 8th, 2001, 12:59 PM
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Re: What I Hate Most About SEIV
Okay, here's one, and I did write to Malfador long BEFORE 1.49 came out with this suggestion.
One example of losing all the population is a plague. If all the population dies off and you re-colonize, all the buildings seem to have been killed off by the plague too. WTF???
Buildings should remain once they are built!
Trk'Tri of the Kilrathi Clan

November 8th, 2001, 01:26 PM
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Re: What I Hate Most About SEIV
Next/previous ship buttons cannot be changed to skip fighters. If you have loose Groups of fighters in every system for defense, you get nuts with hitting space.

November 8th, 2001, 01:47 PM
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Re: What I Hate Most About SEIV
Mark your fighter group with a sentry order and everything is fine.
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