oo no mine sweeper component and half present damage mines limited to 10 or 20 per sector and mines are only lvl 1 automatic cloaking with components to cloak each type to a diff level
forces you to use ships kinda like icebreakers massive armor components and a repair ship nearby since even organic armor doesnt regen outside of combat
and with cloak components just for mines but only for one type of cloaking each you have much more interesting minefields
ex survey system see mines in a nine by nine square around the planet but each sector has a different number of mines some have 3 some 5 some 12 some 20 and you klnow the limit is 20
so is it a path into the planet with 2 mines ea that he forgot or is it a decoy path that will blow you to smithereens with the 18 cloaked mines in each sector
ms windows minesweeper for spaceempires IV ironic since spaceempoires IV for ms windows