Yes, a Tolkien mod would be cool.
Some more nations ideas :
- For the elven nations, there could be Lorien and Mirkwood.
- Dwarven.

For men :
- Khand.
- Harad (with Elephants

- Dun.
Others :
- Why not a nature nation : A mix between Beornids, Fangorn and the old forest (with Bombadil as a Hero

Afaik, the game will have 3 eras. It should be a great opportunity to mod the different Middle Earth ages :
- 1st age with mostly Elves and Fantastic creatures, few men.
- 2nd age with still many elves, but more men nations (I.E. Numenor).
- 3rd age with mostly men and few elves.
Well, maybe I'm wrong with the different ages, It's a lot of time I haven't read the Silmarillon

. That should be a cool mod, but it certainly requires a lot of work.