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Old December 23rd, 2005, 02:25 AM
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Default Re: Combining Mods: Fighter Propulsion Questions

You can not get combat movement without strategic movement from the "ship standard movement" ability. The only way to get this is "bonus combat movement."
It's not whether you win or lose that counts: it's how much pain you inflict along the way.
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Old December 23rd, 2005, 05:18 AM
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Default Re: Combining Mods: Fighter Propulsion Questions

See Carrier Battles mod for some nice stuff.

Using the afterburner ability in varing amounts, and scaling the engine size as appropriate works great.
You pick the tiny speed-2 engine, or the big beefy speed 5 engine, or whatever in between you want. One per ship.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 11:06 AM

leo1434 leo1434 is offline
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Default Combining Mods: Fighter Propulsion Questions

I am going to read the data files from CB Mod for sure, there are a lot of interesting things in it. I know it because I was reading the "Training Courses" on Fighter Design an so on in some (forgotten location) web page...

I downloaded the mod also, but I noticed there were two files, one for SE4 Gold and the other for SE4 Deluxe, with different version numbers. What are the main difference between them?

Back to the fighter engine system: The system I "designed" uses mounts because as engines generate an Absolute mov point quantity regardless of the size of fighter they are installed, they can be scaled using mounts to sizes in relation to the fighter size. In example: If an engine comp generates 4 combat mov points and takes 2 kt of space in a 20 kt fighter, I would like to see that the same engine will yield the same 4 mov point in a 40 kt fighter but taking 4 kt space.

This one takes me to the following: is it necessary to give "tactical" fighter engine comps the ability of "standard move point" in order to be recognized by the program as "engines"? Is it safe to put the value of this ability to 0 or with a low value (1 for example) the fighters will not be able to make "strategic" movement?

The other one is about the mount effect on values:
If I have a comp with tonnage = 75 and use a mount on it with a modifier of Tonnage = 10% how the program will calculate the final tonnage number? Will it be rounded up (7.5 = 8 Kt) or down (7.5 = 7 Kt)? And what about if the mount is 8% of 80 Kt = 6.4 is it equal to 6 or 7 (rounds up or down?). Thanks!
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Old December 25th, 2005, 11:33 AM
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Default Re: Combining Mods: Fighter Propulsion Questions

I believe it will round down.

What are you trying to accomplish with the engine-ness of it?
The combat move ability dosen't stack, so adding extra engines won't help, and you can put one-per-ship in the restrictions.

I suppose if you were to give it standard move, you could more easily limit it to one engine even across separate families using the vehiclesizes limits.
If the engines per move of the fighter hull is >=2 and you're limited to 1 engine point on the fighter, then it won't get any strategic movement points.

Hmm... I should use that for CB.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 05:21 PM

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Default Combining Mods: Fighter Propulsion Questions

"Au Contraire"...

I want to give the "tactical move only" engines its "engine status" for the program to recognize them as such, in case I mod some engine seeking weapons (like IR guided missiles). So, they HAVE to be treated as engines by the program regardless they cannot generate strategic movement.
The "one per vehicle" limit will be modded into it, of course...
Good tip about the "engines per move value" I will use it!

Any info about the purpose of the two versions of the CB Mod files?
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Old December 25th, 2005, 06:01 PM
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Default Re: Combining Mods

I believe the different versions are because of an undocumented fix in Deluxe for anti-missile missiles. IIRC, Gold crashes when processing combat with seekers targetting seekers, but Deluxe handles it just fine. Both versions of the data files have the anti-missile missiles in them, but they're not researchable in the Gold version.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 10:20 PM
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Default Re: Combining Mods: Fighter Propulsion Questions

But fighters do not take partial damage, so only-X weapons simply don't make sense against them.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 11:04 PM
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Default Re: Combining Mods

douglas said:
I believe the different versions are because of an undocumented fix in Deluxe for anti-missile missiles. IIRC, Gold crashes when processing combat with seekers targetting seekers, but Deluxe handles it just fine. Both versions of the data files have the anti-missile missiles in them, but they're not researchable in the Gold version.
That's it in a nutshell.
It only crashes gold if you try to make it generate combat replays in which missiles attack other anti-missile missiles to be specific. If you don't generate the replay, or if only one side has AMMs, it processes ok.
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Old December 26th, 2005, 12:00 AM

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Default Starting Game Help!

I finally set everything up for a new SE4 season!

a)I made a fresh install of SE4 Gold v1.6
b)I decompressed the AIC Mod files in SE4 directory
c)Deompressed the SE4 Mod launcher v2.26
c)Applied v1.94 Deluxe Patch

Started an AIC game and when I fibished my first turn, clickin on the "end Turn" button a small error window (the one with the white cross inside a red circle) appaered reading only "invalid filename" and then the game froze, no button will cause any effect, and it did not processed the computer players turn either...

I checked using no mod... i.e. Space Empires unmodded game with same results...

Anyone saw something similar, any clue about what`s wrong?

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Old December 26th, 2005, 12:06 AM
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Default Re: Starting Game Help!

Are any of your directories/files read only?
Its a common situation when copying archived stuff off a CD.

An "attrib -r *.* /s" in DOS mode can fix that quick
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