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Old December 20th, 2005, 06:50 PM
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Default Re: Bug during modding

20 is "per inventory", it applies to flotillas and star systems. The flotilla's max is defined by the ship with the largest cargo bay, so no ship should have it set higher than 20.

The number really is an interface thing as you guessed. The player cargo interface happens to be wide enough for 4 items, and the star/planet window is 5. The limit of 20 prevents running out of space with visible empty space in the window. =)
Old December 20th, 2005, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: Bug during modding

1) The game genre doesn't define moddability - the ability for a game to have its gameplay *mechanics* significantly altered does.

2) Now that you've cleared up where the magic number 20 comes from, would it be possible to allow more cargo than that, and have a little up and down arrow in the cargo view for scrolling through? If not, then perhaps simply not allowing that 21st item to be attempted to be placed into cargo, as opposed to crashing the game, would be in order.

In response to Puke - magic numbers are wrong. If there's a good reason for a number limit, then that number limit ceases to be a magic number. There is a fundamental difference between "Well, the player just shouldn't ever have more than 3 apples, so let's hard-code an array of 3 for apple storage" and "Well, our interface only comfortably displays 20 cargo at a time, so that's our effective limit on ship cargo capacity". That being said, WW doesn't check for valid range numbers when loading ship properties, and WW also doesn't bounds check when attempting to put something into storage. Hence, el-crasho.

Fingers - I applaud the effort you put into WW. Honestly, really, and truly. I know what it's like working without pay with the prospect of future gain, and I know all about milestones, having to push things out the door, etc. That you guys not only got your project out, but done the way you wanted, is extremely commendable. I will continue to play WW, as it is still fun finding all the different random combinations of cargo items and events they affect.
Old December 20th, 2005, 09:00 PM
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Default Re: Bug during modding

You're missing the point of (1). I know of very few games that allow their "gameplay mechanics" to be changed in mods, and even fewer mods that significantly change them even if they could. Half-Life Rally is the last one I can remember. For example, by your definition Doom wasn't a moddable game which is obviously false.

As for (2), it's up to the modder to test their mod and make sure it doesn't crash. I help the modders by answering their questions, such as by telling you the maximum cargo hold size is 20; and by updating the modmakers' guide if I ever have time. I am also working on better error reporting, but while residing on the prime material plane with its linear time continuum it's just not possible to catch every way a modder can crash the game.
Old December 20th, 2005, 09:10 PM

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Default Re: Bug during modding


I have no problem with magic numbers; I've modded A LOT in Doom a few years ago (I've created a dozen nice multiplayer WADs), and there were a lot of people complaining about the fact you could define only 3 keys / locked door "colors" per level. So what? I've never found this fact limiting -- modding is about making the best of what you have, within the predefined boundaries.

And magic numbers are everywhere. Without magic numbers, people would ALWAYS try to reach the physical limit and make stupid mods/levels. For instance, in Doom, there were no limitation on the level's vertical size... except that if you reached the INT limit, the game crashed. So guess what, a lot of people created maps in which were exactly 32767 units in height. Despite the fact that it broke texture mapping and slowed the game down considerably. Why so? Because it was the limit.

Since people will always always push to the limit just for fun ("oh I'll make a ship with a gazillion weapons slot, this is SO cool"), we'd better push the limit down to decent values. 20 looks good.
Old December 20th, 2005, 11:32 PM
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Default Re: Bug during modding

Fingers said:it's just not possible to catch every way a modder can crash the game.
and how! man, i cant even keep track of all the ways that i personally crash the games i try to make screwed up mods for. i wouldnt want to try to fathom all the screwed up things an entire international user base attempts to do!
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)


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