
December 7th, 2005, 05:53 AM
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Deeper Space
I love this game, but after playing a few dozen times I am actually a little disappointed in how repetitious the supposedly infinite space can get. But there's hope! Mods to the rescue! Unfortunately I don't know JACK about modding, so I thought I'd start this thread instead.
I would love to get some brain storming going on new content to add to the game. I'm not talking changing the game or playing a different starting race or the more radical mods that are sure to come out. I want to come up with a bunch more content for the main game, more ship systems, more alien races, more events, more bosses, more artifacts, and of course MORE GUNS!
BUT, we have to keep it balanced and in the spirit of the original game. By this I mean, try to keep the spectrum of easy to please vs hostile races in the game, try to keep the number of super awesome guns vs piddly pea shooters the same, try to keep the useful gagets to useless junk ratio the same.
So just post any ideas you have but try to keep them balanced considering the rest of the game. Because races, ships, and items can be made seperatly, then included into one mod hopefully we can bring this all together into one glorious player made expansion pack.
If this actually goes somewhere then I will put the best ideas here:

December 7th, 2005, 05:53 AM
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Re: Deeper Space
My ideas that I've come up with so far:
Gliblax: A race of blobby amebia aliens that are friendly as long as you have only 1 or 2 ships in your flotila. If you have 3 or more they assume you are invading and react hostilly. If you get their ambasador while they are still friendly then they will maintain friendly as long as the ambasador stays on your ship.
Trin'tral'arians: A race of blue thin huminoids, with large heads and tentically hair. They are friendly as long as you have not done anything to destroy the enviroment. If you have moved a nebula with the nebular plow then they are hostile (unless you have the cloak of babulon). If you use the vacume colapser thingy then they are always hostile.
Tarnesian: A race of cat people who ask for a tribute when you first meet them. There are about 10 items in the galaxy that will please them but even if you give the right item they are only satisfied 50% of the time. Every time you visit you get a new chance of tribute, if you give bad tribute they tell you to leave or they will attack. If you give good tribute they will be friendly forever (and tell you where their home world is). They will give you an abasader if you give them a second good tribute. They are always pleased by the marvelous toy. If you have the cloak its like you've givin them one good tribute (so still one more for an ambasador visit)
Wizzle-wazzles: A fuzzy little race of rabid expansionists. They are always hostile unless you have conqured/made peace with, every race in the galaxy besides them. (you have access to every other races homeworld)
The penetrator: (High value) A long range rail gun that blows through shields and damages systems all way down its path and continues on past the ship. (like the PVC but it doesn't shoot out lightning only hurts what it contacts, but it also ignores sheilds) Realitivly low damage except that it ignores sheilds
Interference blaster: (med/high value) A medium range weapon that shoots like a gauss cannon but in a spread of 5 total shots, one at 90, and one at 45 degrees left and right of where your aiming, as well as a dirict shot.
Quazar feild generator: (med/low value) A short range weapon that generates a continous cone attack (about a 30 degree arc), excelent for point defense or against swarms of fighters.
Plasma mine layer: (low value) A zero range weapon, lays a stationary proximity plasma mine that fades after a long period of time. If an enemy flys near this they recive devistating damage. Good for running away, vs fighters, and for preventing a cloaked opponent from sneaking up on you.
Ship systems
Discount cloaker: (med/low value) Cloaks your ship but only for a short duration. Then it can not be used for a short duration.
Beam deflector: (Med value) This takes up the same slot as signiture projector and the like. Causes only beam weapons to bend away from the ship. Torpedos, missles, and lightning weapons, and particle shooters are unaffected.
Hull reinforcment: (med value) Gives you ship extra hit points
Pulser: (med value) Periodacaly does damage in combat to all nearby enemies. Usefull vs fighters and missle defense.
Beam focuser: (med value) Increases the range of beam weapons.
Medium Scanner: (med/low value) Larger scan radius then the default science scanner.
Inertial clamps: (med value) If a ship is not moveing then it takes reduced damage from all attacks and ramming.
Nebular camo feild: (med/low value) If you engange in combat inside a nebula then your ship can cloak.
Black Hole: (High value) This small black ball is a form of a black hole is stasis. In its current state its just like a little black rubber bouncy ball. It is highly recomended that it is not opened. Use: Turns the current star into a black hole immediatly. If you don't have the gravitational shunt you are screwed.
Tarnesian tickler: (low value) It's a giant feather. It kind of tickles.
More to come when I am feeling more creative.

December 7th, 2005, 02:11 PM
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Re: Deeper Space
I'm diggin' the ideas so far... keep 'em coming.
I was thinking of perhaps adding an Infinite Improbability Drive (although I don't know if there would be any troublesome legalities involved with it), which would be similar to the Hyperdrive. There would be no downtime like the Hyperdrive has, but there would be a small/medium chance that something would change every time it's used (items in the Cargo Hold, ship systems, the ship itself all would have a possibility of being changed for better or for worse).

December 8th, 2005, 07:21 PM
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Re: Deeper Space
chinp said:
I was thinking of perhaps adding an Infinite Improbability Drive (although I don't know if there would be any troublesome legalities involved with it)
It is my understanding that as long as you aren't charging money for it, and it is clearly, indisputably a FAN-produced mod, nobody can sue you for using elements from any existing Sci-Fi source you care to use.
A similar question once arose in regard to a fan-produced shipset (mod) for Space Empires III which used ships from Star Wars. If I am remembering correctly, Malfador Machinations (who made SE3) hosted the shipset as a free download on the same site where the game was sold, which caused LucasFilms to warn them to remove it. But the Star Wars shipset continued to be available as a free download on various SE3 fan sites � where it never got any warnings from LucasFilms, because they couldn't possibly claim that anyone was making money from it. And later, there were numerous Star Trek and Babylon 5 shipsets for SE3, too.

December 8th, 2005, 08:53 PM
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Re: Deeper Space
No, it never got any warning letters probably because LucasFilms never saw it. Not getting money for it does NOT offer any protection at all.
I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
- Digger

December 8th, 2005, 10:29 PM
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Re: Deeper Space
Regardless of the legality, clearly there are dozens of player created mods for many games that copy copyrighted material. They are all over the place.
So I say, feel free to look at other games and settings for concepts, but try to at least change the flavor a little. I don't want X-wings vs Birds of prey here.
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