
October 13th, 2005, 02:28 PM
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System Gravitational Shield Facility
I have never been alive in a game to make it to this technology, usually toast by this time.
But, if you place this facility in your system will that deny me the ability to open and close warp points in my own systems, or just deny others to the ability?
Thanks for any help

October 13th, 2005, 02:38 PM
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Re: System Gravitational Shield Facility
It will deny both.

October 13th, 2005, 03:09 PM
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Re: System Gravitational Shield Facility
how do you research it?

October 13th, 2005, 03:37 PM
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Re: System Gravitational Shield Facility
It requires Shields level 10 in stock, and all of the actions it prevents are prevented for everyone. Once it's built, the warp points in that system are fixed and star destruction traps won't work until it's gone. You can, of course, scrap it when you decide you need to do something it would prevent, but then you'd have to rebuild it to regain the protection.

October 13th, 2005, 03:41 PM
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Re: System Gravitational Shield Facility
Is it possible to build multiple SGSes and put them on hold in the same system all in queues 1 turn from completion? I was thinking of doing this in my AI game so I can scrap the SGS, open warp point to attack, close warp point behind me, and unhold another SSG so its ready by next turn. Does this strategic use of SGSes make sense?

October 13th, 2005, 03:54 PM
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Re: System Gravitational Shield Facility
I don't see why it wouldn't work.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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October 13th, 2005, 04:39 PM
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Re: System Gravitational Shield Facility
Beware: System Grav Shields don't prevent planet destruction.

October 13th, 2005, 05:12 PM
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Re: System Gravitational Shield Facility
inigma said:
Is it possible to build multiple SGSes and put them on hold in the same system all in queues 1 turn from completion? I was thinking of doing this in my AI game so I can scrap the SGS, open warp point to attack, close warp point behind me, and unhold another SSG so its ready by next turn. Does this strategic use of SGSes make sense?
This is a common tactic on PBW. Not the most reputable thing to do, but it does work.

October 13th, 2005, 07:54 PM
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Re: System Gravitational Shield Facility
Inigma said:
Is it possible to build multiple SGSes and put them on hold in the same system all in queues 1 turn from completion? I was thinking of doing this in my AI game so I can scrap the SGS, open warp point to attack, close warp point behind me, and unhold another SSG so its ready by next turn. Does this strategic use of SGSes make sense?
Fyron said:
This is a common tactic on PBW. Not the most reputable thing to do, but it does work.
Never thought of this. The only concern I would have is that storing multiple unfinished facilities would put a damper on making other important things. This would be hard to do if you have a small but well established empire (it is possible to have a small empire and have developed the sytem gravitational Sheild Facility - at least in a single player game). I guess if you need the ship yard, you can waste all the resources and scrap the unfinished facility. I also find that I usually need all my facility spots filled with useful and active facilites (until way later in the game and then it is not so imperative that I build rescource, intel and research facilities - and this all depends on how well the game is going for my empire). Besides these little things that need to be considered, I think I will expolre this idea. It sounds promising too me! :}

October 13th, 2005, 08:15 PM
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Re: System Gravitational Shield Facility
really, the only way i could conceive it working is by sealing off all your systems, and then having a designated system as your launchpad. you would then force any one attacking to go through that system, assuming of course they could guess where you popped out next.
the only thing that's considered turtlelish about this is that if everyone does it, the game effectively ends in a stalemate. perhaps i should remove this tactic from the forums so others dont think of it.
man, i love comming up with tactics in SEIV. this game is ripe pickings for 'em
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