
July 28th, 2005, 01:34 AM
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Bug in demo, fighting one handed.
I was playing the demo tutorial 3, and one of my ships took a few turns to board and capture a French ship. It took many shots from short range, as a result of this all but 2 of its cannons were knocked out. I was pleasently suprised by this because it never happened to me before in an age of sail game. So I thought, ok. I can only fire on one side effectively, fighing with one hand behind my back.
I ran into cofusion when I checked my Ship enterface. I got conflicting reports on the statis of my cannons. The crew report showed the starboard side was out. The attachment was taken a few turns later after I lost all cannons on that side:
And the other ships enterfaces indicated the port side was out. After playing I saw that it was the port side that was working. Because one turn I moved to fire to starboard, it looked like it should from the crew interface, I had crew assigned to it. But after I moved it couldn't fire port. Bottom line if I just went by the crew alocation interface, I would have all my gun crews on the starboard side twidleing there thumbs, and my cannons unmaned.
Not a big deal now that I know.
Anyway have been enjoying the demo, I was curious about how a age of sail game would play in a turn base game. Lots of good strategy.

July 28th, 2005, 01:44 AM
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Re: Bug in demo, fighting one handed.
second attachment to compare.
the other ship interfaces besides the crew, all indicated the port cannons were disabled.

July 28th, 2005, 05:01 AM
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Re: Bug in demo, fighting one handed.
Oh, now it makes sense why my batteries and undermanned ships fared poorly !
From what you said and showed, it looks like the crew allocation panel get the sides inverted ... and like you I allocated crew on this crew interface !!
Andrew : the bug can be easily fixed by just interverting he labels on the crew tab, but in fact it's painful to have to think every time about "where is port/starboard" ? It's easy in the gun panel because you see graphically where the sides are : if the crew and damage panels were also layed out like this, something like this (for crew panel) :
---------- Idle : xxx
Port batt : xxxx Starboard batt : xxx
---------- Sailing : xxx
---------- Boarding : xxx
, it would be better 

July 30th, 2005, 09:09 PM
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Re: Bug in demo, fighting one handed.
OK � Im trying to get this straight so I can recreate it, and then fix it. As PDF has noted � it will be a relatively easy fix � its just a switcheroo. But, as the author of the switcheroo in question � I don�t want to change it into a double switcheroo. OK, switcheroo is just a fun word, so Im going to say it a few more times: switcheroo switcheroo switcheroo switcheroo
Where was I�
OK � It sounds like the error is in the Damage Info Panel (attachment #2) and not in the crew allocation page. Right?
Its going on the list!
Andrew Lonon
"There is nothing- absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." - Ratty

August 1st, 2005, 07:33 PM
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Re: Bug in demo, fighting one handed.
Andrew Lonon said:
OK – It sounds like the error is in the Damage Info Panel (attachment #2) and not in the crew allocation page. Right?
Wrong, I just checked it out again from a save. And the ship/damage info is correct, as is the cannon interface. The Crew alocation is wrong, and just noticed the captain interface is wrong too.
attached is a save file from the demo. The ship in question is the Lance.

August 5th, 2005, 05:42 PM
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Re: Bug in demo, fighting one handed.
Thanks for the attachment and the diligence. I will get it right one of these days. <G>
Andrew Lonon
"There is nothing- absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." - Ratty
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