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July 12th, 2005, 11:32 PM
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Question on Amphibious Assault Maps
(1) I have found the function in the map editor to add a beach (p.2, "L" key). However, it makes fully 1/2 the map water. Is there a way to edit the water/land ratio?
(2) If the answer to (1) is negative, are there any problems with simply making a map manually (including water and beaches), and then using it later as a beach assault map (as identified in scenario editing phase)?
(3) Whats a representative visibilty for a night assault under very dark conditions (solid cloud cover)? If each visibility point = 50 meters of visibility (I thought I read that somewhere), would a value of 2 or 3 be appropriate?

July 13th, 2005, 03:55 AM
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Re: Question on Amphibious Assault Maps
(1) AFAIK there isn't. Look carefully at all the buttons and read the help file thoroughly, maybe one has been implmented since the latest DOS version.
(2) In the same way, I recall that any IA will require a specifically designed map to switch over to 'landing' mode; that is, the beach generator doesn't only edit the map outlook but also the way the IA handle it.
Now if you plan the human player to do the landing, that is no problem. But anyhow it is safer to split out a beach map and then fill in the superfluous water hexes.
(3) 150m vis at sea? I gather the visibility rating will mostly drop out due to dust, rain, fog, etc. So 3 hexes will be monsoon or thick smog.
On a clear but cloudy night, your NV devices will work just as well. So maybe something in excess of 10, and turn your screen's brightness way down!

July 13th, 2005, 06:43 AM
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Re: Question on Amphibious Assault Maps
2) There are tricks to make the job considerably less in the creation of such a map.
For example you should modify the range of the fill map function to a desirable value (10?) and then you may design your map by right clicking on the water locations (after selecting the water map tool). This way you will design in no time the sea part of your map. After you finish this job, you will have to refine the shores.
The only point to pay attention is that you should make this map a beach assault map before you deploy the assaulting forces. Also you should always put those forces in a direct path with the landing location. If you make an island (surrounded by water) and you put an assaulting unit in the upper edge of the map, then this unit will simply travel up to the left edge of the map without disembarking in the island location.
There are at least a dozen more techniques to help you work/simulate effects in design of a beach assaulting scenario.
3) 1-3 hexes for nigth conditions (depending the moon, clouds and weather). Also you should modify this value if your map is a city/village map (10+ hexes)
p.s In the sea or in the desert with moon & no clouds conditions your visibility is remarkably high 10+ hexes(I know by experience!)

July 13th, 2005, 08:01 AM
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Re: Question on Amphibious Assault Maps
Alright Pyros,
Sorry for the rubbish, I didn't know there was a new feature to edit the width of the water part. Or maybe it was there all along? Everytime I used it in the DOS version i ended up with a half-half map.
I'll trust you on the visibility, but I honestly thought that should be something higher without precipitation of any knid.

July 13th, 2005, 11:12 AM
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Re: Question on Amphibious Assault Maps
Cheers PlasmaKrab,
You are one of a kind with an impressive knowledge base concerning this game!

July 13th, 2005, 12:03 PM
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Re: Question on Amphibious Assault Maps
Thanks krab & pyros -- sounds like my intuition was right.

July 13th, 2005, 02:04 PM
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Re: Question on Amphibious Assault Maps
Thanks for the compliment, Pyros!
Coming from you, this is particularly heartwarming.
I do my best to help around where I can (often where I cannot also...)
I just hope I don't upset too many people here, apart for Don of course, what with me playing talented genius all around... 
Sorry, I am one for graphical games I can easily tweak, so your [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon09.gif[/img] game is heaven to me, gentlemen!
There is now way I know to thank in all fairness all the people really working here. Keep up the good work!

July 13th, 2005, 03:09 PM
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Re: Question on Amphibious Assault Maps
Plasma, you know I got nothing but love for ya..... but lovey-dovey thing you've had going on lately is going to make me puke
wait..... you just had the thought to apologize, didn't you? don't lie. I'm getting to know the 'online' you. Oh wait, no you want to apologize because you think it'll drive me crazy. Now that I figured that out, you're gonna take a friendly little jab at the US or Marines just to try and twist my tail. Aren't you? 

July 13th, 2005, 03:23 PM
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Re: Question on Amphibious Assault Maps
Morning Kevin!
Nice to see friendly faces even at this early hour, and even for such talk...
Come on, Kevin, be civilized again, I know you can!
It just appeared to me that I hadn't thanked Don and Andy for their work yet, though I keep bickering about it and speaking as if I could do better than them hands down, which I didn't mean.
So you're right, I was meaning maybe not to apologize, but at least to show the little gratefulness and humility that I feel was lacking in most of my posts.
Now if you feel I am overdoing it, maybe I should switch to the "arrogant bastard" mode?
Oh, and you say you come to know me... So I guess I have either to track you down or to change personnality (again..  )... mmh, which would be easier? 
No wait, setting up to kill you would mean travelling to Cleveland, OH... Yeah, I know you know!
Now back to the topic, lads!
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