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July 10th, 2005, 07:19 AM
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Making battalions in the editor?
Hi guys,
how can you design a battalion in the editor? I'm trying to add an HHC section, but it's obviously not enough, because I can't see the HHC section subordinated to the high HHQ (I'm trying to design brigades). my ideal OoB would be:
A0: high HQ
B0: Bn HQ section
C/D/E: Companies
Has anyone tips on that? Thanks in advance, have a nice day 8)
Fran�ois Gu�rin
"The dog won't succeed in a fight were the tiger lost his left eye" (Ivory Coast proverb)

July 10th, 2005, 07:35 AM
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Re: Making battalions in the editor?
In SP, the A0 is traditionally your BN staff. Eg:
A0: Bn HQ
B0: Coy 1
-c, d, e platoons
F0: Coy 2
There's no really good way to change this in the editor, at least not that I have or can come up with.
What would Cliff Richard do?

July 10th, 2005, 07:47 AM
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Re: Making battalions in the editor?
Francois said:
Hi guys,
how can you design a battalion in the editor? I'm trying to add an HHC section, but it's obviously not enough, because I can't see the HHC section subordinated to the high HHQ (I'm trying to design brigades). my ideal OoB would be:
A0: high HQ
B0: Bn HQ section
C/D/E: Companies
Has anyone tips on that? Thanks in advance, have a nice day 8)
Fran�ois Gu�rin
I presume by "editor" you mean Mobhack, and not the scenario editor?.
Did you read the section in the Mobhack help entitled "Formations tab" where it says "There are 2 types of formation in SP - companies and platoons."
The A0 unit is the highest level of command and all companies and independant platoons are commanded by it. Se the "companies" section, paragraph starting "Command level 5 is the Battle Group HQ".
You can have brigades or batallions - as a collection of companies and platoons under A0.

July 10th, 2005, 09:25 AM
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Re: Making battalions in the editor?
Best way is to modify your A0 HQ unit in the deploy screen (taste 'D'), calll it HHC section or battalion HQ or whatever.
Maybe you can also take one section in any one platoon and attach it to the A0 as HQ, then modify it to look as an HHC section.

July 11th, 2005, 01:07 PM
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Re: Making battalions in the editor?
Make Bn TOC and add it to the XXX Bn Spt Grp in the OOB.
A US TOC might look like such:
1 mech sec (BN staff)
1 Fwd Obs (BN FSO)
1 M577 AOP (BN FDO track)
2 M577 (S-3 & S-2 tracks)
3 M113 (S-1, S-4, & ALO tracks)
3 HMMWV (Cdr, XO, & CSM vehicles)
You can also do the same at the Company level. Just attach them to the mech companies in MobHack:
1 mech sec (Co HQ Plt)
3 M113 (1SG, Medic, & Maint track)
1 M88 (way too easy to make - see below)
2 HMMWV (Co Cdr & 1SG vehicles)
1 5-ton (Supply SGT)
Making a M88--- I just copied the M60 and pasted tit to a new slot. Change the icon to the Pioneer Panzer icon (closest visually) and then edit the cost, class, weapon, and transport value, and wala there you have it.
Hope it helps

July 11th, 2005, 01:27 PM
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Re: Making battalions in the editor?
Not that I want belittle the accomplishment of the CAMO group, but has there been any talk about SP3 Brigade Command? Don't get me wrong, I love this SP and appreciate all the work you've done. Thanks Again
But I'm just curious. I like to put together Brigade level forces. I think they capture the feel of combined arms and C4I issues better at the Brigade Level, than BN.
The first thing I did was put together OOB elements for a USMC MEU(SOC), which is a testament to the expert redesign CAMO did with WINSP. Greasy summed up how to do it pretty well.

July 11th, 2005, 04:46 PM
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Re: Making battalions in the editor?
kevin said:
Not that I want belittle the accomplishment of the CAMO group, but has there been any talk about SP3 Brigade Command? Don't get me wrong, I love this SP and appreciate all the work you've done. Thanks Again
As far as I know if CAMO was to try that they would have to start from scratch. SPMBT/SPWW2 are built using the SP2 Game Engine. Matrix is the current holder of the rights to upgrade, modify the SP3 Engine and they used it to create SPWAW which is a SP1/SP2 level game (squads, individual vehicles, etc).

July 11th, 2005, 08:22 PM
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Re: Making battalions in the editor?
We have NO interest at all in doing an SP3 style Brigade level game.
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