I'd just like to say, that GForce cards use/have an unifieded driver system that is absolutely painless fo setup and updating. As for ATI well, I still have nightmares about how much time and money I lost on that 'Brand'. Not to mention the driver problems I have always had with ATI cards still give me shivers.
I wouldn't buy Ice from ATI on a hot 120deg day if my life depended on it. It would probably end up being Dry Ice and of no use to me.
But this is just me, I've heard rumors that ATI makes good stuff now, but I don't believe it for a minute.
BTW: The last time I tried an ATI card was a Raedon 9200 or some such creature. After installing it, windows wouldn't even boot not even in it's default 800x600 'Safe mode'.
The customer service game went like this..
ATI: It's a problem with windows!
MS: It's a Problem with the graphics card!
ATI: It's a problem with DirectX!
MS: It's a problem with the Drivers!
ATI: Try removing the card and see if that works!
MS: Buy an nVidia gForce they work better.
ATI: Get a new motherboard, yours is not listed on our compatibiltiy list.
MS: Are you running SP2? (No?) well you should upgrade.
David: But my computer does not boot after installing SP2!
MS: It must be a problem with your motherboard.
David: So the solution is to spend $600 for a new MB and Graphics Card?
ATI: No, just get a new MB,.. here's a list of campatible ones.
MS: Yes!
David reformats his 'C:' drive and reinstalls Win XP with SP1 and all upodates. Stays with his gForce FX 5200. Things are back to normal.
Conclusion.. both MS and ATI recruit their service technicians from Radio Shack.
Oops, did I babble?