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Old March 17th, 2005, 06:25 PM
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Default Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill

Power Man walks into the Bar and Grill. Hi everyone. I am back with More Goodies. Boy I just went by the Hut. Whew it looks like the Hut took a Hit. Its looks and smells worst that someting Puke would puke up!! (No Offence Puke.)
Say does anyone know were I can get some more of thoes fake Deeds to the Bar and Grill GT was handing out? You know the ones that promise in the fine print "Good for one Durty Deed by GT".

By the way if anyone askes I have been here ALL day..
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Old March 17th, 2005, 06:47 PM
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Default Re: Former Chat Bar&Grill

Raging Deadstar said:
He is undefeated and unrivalled. The King of the Hill.
King of the Hill is a registered trademark of mine. Please comply with the Ordinance 3B.7 about the illegal use of trademarks, or else!

and he's british, In Yankee terms that just means "Evil!"
I shall give an unbiased opinion on the matter: RD is quite correct. However, it appears Growltigger is no longer the fearsome being he used to be. Gardening and chastity are very nice, but there seems to be something lacking: wickedness, perfidy, and other assorted pastimes. You should give him a peptalk RD, as otherwise... who knows what will happen to Growltigger and all his grandeur?

*Walks away shuddering at the thought of a mild, tamed Growltigger: the symbol of the Cantina gone! Where is this world heading for!
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Old March 17th, 2005, 08:08 PM
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Default Re: Former Chat Bar&Grill

Say GT, I happen to have something I think you can use in your garden. I have some of those Tigga Lillies from the old Cantina. You know the ones with the orange and black stripes. The ones armed with teeth and claw like thorns.
They are nice when they are small but WATCH out.

Put some of these in your garden and you won't have to chuck bricks at the squirrels, The Lillies will EAT them.

I can bring in a few starts next week...
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Old March 17th, 2005, 08:08 PM
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Default Re: Former Chat Bar&Grill

im not sure about the forged deeds, but be cautious about those dessert recipies. They have some secret secretions from Tesco's special stash.

Regarding the mild and tamed GT, im afraid that he did not mention that his gardening involved carniverous fauna and man-eating petunias. steer clear of the pansies with teeth, they're just waiting for an unsuspecting yank to bring his nose too close.

fortuneatly, this sticky pile of regergitated yank is not so easily lured by hostile limey botany. just watch your fingers near the window-boxes.

Dont forget, he's still a barrister. there is no disguising the inner evil, there.

edit: dog! how many seconds did you beat me to the punch by? you carniverous-plant post subverting cur!
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
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Old March 17th, 2005, 09:21 PM
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Default Re: Former Chat Bar&Grill

Sorry Puke. But Tigga Lillies is an idea from way back. I think is was one, or two threads ago the Cantina had a small fountain in a coutyard. To brighten up the place I planted some plain Lillies. In an act of cartoon PUNisment they transformed into Tigga Lillies. They started off small and pretty. They had small teath and fuzzy stems. They had small claws on their leaves. They would purr and go meow when you petted them.

Later on they got big and would tend to take your hand, and any other body part, that got too close off.
Funny I thik GT liked them Better that way.

Oh the memories......
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Old March 17th, 2005, 10:17 PM
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Default Re: Former Chat Bar&Grill

well, bring some back then. I think they would go swimmingly in a hanging planter.
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
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Old March 18th, 2005, 07:34 AM

Raging Deadstar Raging Deadstar is offline
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Default Re: Former Chat Bar&Grill

Alneyan said:
King of the Hill is a registered trademark of mine. Please comply with the Ordinance 3B.7 about the illegal use of trademarks, or else!
I feel Un-nerved by the prospect you used the term Ordinance in that phrase [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img]

As for GT being tamer? He just quite happily dired a red-hot poker up someone's, to quote red-dwarf, "jacksy!" He has admitted to being a rugby fan, playing Rome: Total War and throwing bricks at squirrels. If I recall the guy works in the Legal Profession and I believe lives in Manchester. Also read his posts, he really didn't try and spare any of Ashton's ego now did he? I don't think we need to worry about him ever going "soft" in his older age.
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Old March 18th, 2005, 08:30 AM
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Default Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill

No he's already gone soft.....

Puke said:
Joint_Chief_SI_Ultima said:
note: please ignore the sections of text which have been removed
well thats fairly easy to do, but i dont think we are prepared to accept your unconditional surrender. the massive cost of cultural re-education of your citizenry is too much for our humble little bar and grill to take on.

so you will have to find someone more gullible to surrender to. we wont bear the cost of your upkeep. perhaps you should try mothballing your surpluss population?

in the meantime, try not to let the parking valet bite your arse on the way back to your spaceships.
Don't worry Puke, your valet Barry has been dispatched already by several flights of Mover replicas.

And as for the terms of surrender,..... well, for one, WE beat the living CRAP out of YOU. You have perhaps not read the Armistice terms that thouroughly? And as for our citizens..... we have none. The only people we control are military personnel, and they would rather drink hydrochloric acid than undergo "cultural re-education" by your "professionals".

Oh and one more thing..... you liked Cartoon Violence, you said?

Strategia pulls out a remote control and rewinds the events to the point where Puke just uttered the above nonsense. Strategia then goes on to pull out a rather well-polished rocket launcher.

Puke: "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

Stategia still fires a Hygiene Missile at the Yank (btw, did you know that name came originated thanks to the Dutch inhabitants of New York? in its most pure form.

Puke: "Nooo!!!!! Aaaaaahhh! It burns! It burns! Get it off!....."

Puke's voice dies away as the Hygiene effects start to make him disappear bit by half-digested bit. Eventually, all that's left of Puke is a rather well-polished spot of floorspace.
O'Neill: I have something I want to confess you. The name's not Kirk. It's Skywalker. Luke Skywalker.
-Stargate SG1
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Old March 18th, 2005, 09:45 AM
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Default Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill

Ashton's velociraptoid troops blast open the door, and open fire on the inhabitants of the B&G with anti-proton blasters. Several random people are promptly disintergrated into a mass of energy, electrons, and neutrons.

Several of StrategiaInUltima's capship forces go through the lines of Ashton's troops, taking the attacks from the now frenzied bar.

Leave no survivors!
Hey! I found squirrels!

Vala - "The last time I was this bored, I took hostages!"
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Old March 18th, 2005, 10:25 AM
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Default Re: Former Chat Bar&Grill

Actually, there was a mistake in my post RD. I am supposed to take care of the ordnance that will be delivered against anyone using my registered trademark (fully mine after the... cancellation of Asmala); the ordinance will be left to lawyers and other friends working in the field of law. Of course, don't even think I will sue you under British law: it shall be French law, as I won't venture initiating any lawsuit in American territory. So beware RD! I am not a Minbari to trifle with!

There is nothing "evil" with playing Rome Total War though (well, except leading players to consider solving all problems with a legion or three). Actually, Growltigger appears to be more reluctant to enter open defiance of the "Fell Witch Queen of Angmar", even to watch rugby... I tell you, something is afoot RD! It clearly smells of a plot of some sort.

*Notices the "lives in Manchester" part, in a post dedicated to proving that Grolwtigger is inherently evil* Something to keep track of for the future invasion of Albion. But I shouldn't leave my schemes in the open.
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