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Old March 9th, 2005, 06:40 AM
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Default Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

What concerns me is that SE5 will dilute the SE4 elite community (by which I use the connotation, few). As we are at the moment we have a stable community which is friendly and welcoming. I am shocked to think that if SE5 is more widespread we shall be innundated with people with no respect for those established as our communities leaders, such as Atrocities, Geoschmo, or Fyron etc, .People who will insult and disregard others. Imagine the day some leet speaker comes up with (and please excuse my unfamiliar attempt at lowering my vocabulary)

Hey doods, look at mi orsom mod.

I value the fact that to my knowledge Intel has not be sullied by flamewars or baiting. I regularly visit another forum and it is almost as good except for the occasional baiting or insults that are instantly banned by the moderators. Naturally we must be willing to accept converts to the cause but I can't help but be worried that the quality of our community will descend.
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Old March 9th, 2005, 07:13 AM
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Default Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

Randallw I doubt it will ever get that bad. SE V, like IV, are more or less the kind of games that the "hey dood" type avoid.

I know one thing, I am going to buy a few more copies of SEIV for posterities sake. That and so I can sell them on ebay for $100.00 each in a few years.
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Old March 9th, 2005, 07:46 AM
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Default Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

Whoah..... leave this thread alone for just one night and you immediately get over 30 replies! Wow!
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Old March 9th, 2005, 08:10 AM

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Default Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

Wow, interesting news. Curious that there's so little information on Malfador's site.

And hey, everyone who wants to thank Shrapnel, buy Dom3 when it comes out!
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Old March 9th, 2005, 09:16 AM
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Default Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

I take back those strong words in my previous post. I guess we just don't like change. It was a knee jerk reaction. David has reassured me that Aaron still is in 100% control of the game and everything will be alright. I hope he's right.
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Old March 9th, 2005, 09:45 AM
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Default Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

Well... I actually don't find it too much shocking. I'm starting to wonder if I'm weird

Anyway, I started playing SE III, and the change from shareware to internet publishing (or whatever its name is) was a big one, IMO a lot more relevant than the change from internet-only to retail.

First and foremost, SE IMO isn't really a niche game (you'll disagree, I know). It was developed (and sold) as a niche game (and as shareware until 2000!), though - there isn't anything wrong with it, but this shouldn't lead us to presume that it can't go well on the wider market just because it's indie (or shareware!).
Actually, many games published by Shrapnel aren't niche games - or at least their niche is wider than the one of other games; Austerlitz: NGV wasn't as "nichy" as BCT, for example. IIRC SEIV has been Shrapnel's best seller by far (really, really far, just check the number of posts in the forum): I suppose this means that it has a wider appeal than other titles.

Consider the changes between SEIII and SEIV: the concept is the same, but while SEIII was developed as shareware, SEIV was a commercial game. SEIV graphics are obsolete (even in their format: uncompressed BMPs!), but they are still much better than those of SEIII. SEIV's interface is needlessly complex, but I found the one in SEIII so annoying to even bother learning it (and quit playing even if I thought SEIII was a great game). And so on. Basically, SE III and IV are the same game, with a different development; there are still a lot of margins for improvements in SEV.

Please note that I live in Europe, so I might not fully understand what could be the actual consequences of the publisher change. I think the PC game market is very different here (or at least, I had difficulties understanding large parts of Shrapnel's blog entries on the PC game market status). BTW, I had both SEIV and SEIV Gold shipped from the US by courier. I think I spent more for the courier than for the game.
Now, what could be the consequences of being published by SF? I suppose you could still buy it online (although not from the publisher, I think), and still have a community and some sort of support (from Malfador at the very least). What else?

"Watering down the game" to increase its appeal to hordes of mindless frothing teenagers isn't a consequence IMO, as publishers don't write game code. They can ask the developers to do some changes, but I suppose Aaron knew this when he (willingly) chose his publisher, and thus anticipated the possibility of any such changes - the game is still his own, not SF's. Should he self-destroy his game in an attempt to gain popularity, it would be his fault...
Also, even if the game sets the new world record for worst sellers in history I don't think Aaron would be jailed for it, so I suppose he'd still be able to develop SEVI. By the way, the hordes of mindless whining kids won't be a problem unless the game has some success, so the two fears are mutually exclusive

Last but not least, I wished to thank Shrapnel for publishing SE IV. A shareware SEIV wouldn't have been the same thing. I'll be back (for Dominions III).
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Old March 9th, 2005, 10:09 AM
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Default Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

David is correct about the prizes for the PBW tournament not being affected. The tourney was conceived and implemented by Malfador. Shrapnel donated a small prize even knowing we would not be publishing SEV.
That is just plain classy! Hell, most companies would already have shut the game's forum down.

Thank you Shrapnel for all the support of this community over the years.
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Old March 9th, 2005, 10:11 AM
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Default Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

The reason SEIV uses bmps is for modding purposes (or so I believe). The Gold Manual even contained a Modding Guide, and there were some much-used mods on the Gold CD.
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Old March 9th, 2005, 10:24 AM
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Default Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

I'm not so worried anymore after speaking with David. Aaron is in 100% control and since he's put in all his own money for its development, there's not much the "publisher" can force on him in regards to changes etc.

I still feel for Shrapnel though - so perhaps I'll buy Salvo...
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Old March 9th, 2005, 10:37 AM
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Default Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

Space Empires needs to use .jpg files. Would reduce the size of mods and the game a lot, and allow more stuff to fit in. Imagine... THOUSANDS of system pictures! TENS OF THOUSANDS of component pictures!!!

Edit: Maybe he could also build a mod editor that creates compressed mod files, instead of the old text files that waste so much space. That way, we can utilize all those tens of thousands of component pictures
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