
December 21st, 2004, 06:44 PM
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Christmas module (v 1.05 released)
The Xerathuls revenge module has grown into an ugly mess of unorganized .txt files and bugs, and work on it is progressing very slowly, so I decided to take a break and build a small module from scratch, and since it's almost christmas I gave it a christmas theme.
A small disclaimer: I'm from the Netherlands [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Flag_Netherlands.gif[/img], and I've never celebrated christmas because it's not really a tradition here. I have however seen way too many bad commercials and hollywood movies, so I guess I should have gotten most of the things in this module right. If not feel free to point out any glaring mistakes.
I also kind of rushed the module out of the door since I wanted to release it in time for christmas, so there are probably some bugs  .
Feedback and bugreports are very welcome.

December 21st, 2004, 10:23 PM
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Re: Christmas module (v 1.0 released)
Nice work, I didn't notice any mistake regarding the Christmas theme. The maps are smooth and well designed just like in Xerathuls revenge. Keep up the good work.
Merry Christmas

December 22nd, 2004, 04:46 AM
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Re: Christmas module (v 1.0 released)
I can't wait to give this a try! Thanks so much for making it. I will post any problems I find here.
I have been playing alot of DO the Last few weeks. It will be nice to have a new module to try.
Thanks again. 

December 22nd, 2004, 08:12 AM
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Re: Christmas module (v 1.0 released)
It's good to see there is still a bit of life left in Dungeon Odyssey. I'll let you know what I think of the module, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it.
Thanks for the post, and Have a good,.. no, a Great,.. no, a FANTASTIC holiday season. Be well firends.

December 22nd, 2004, 12:14 PM
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Re: Christmas module (v 1.0 released)
I hope some more mods will be released, there are at least a few mods out there that people claimed were days or hours from release, but that somehow never made it.
If there is any help needed for beta-testing or bug hunting I gladly volunteer, I've got quite some experience with that after building some modules myself  .
And merry christmas everyone 

December 22nd, 2004, 12:29 PM
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Re: Christmas module (v 1.0 released)
Yeah, I might release a small sneak peak of DOWW2 (cool name  ), could use some balancing thoughts...
Only played a short while (not enough time), but looks great so far, the forest seems really big when it's dark 
I'd suggest turning the chests into oversized presents btw 

December 22nd, 2004, 07:53 PM
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Re: Christmas module (v 1.0 released)
I didn't have much time to play but I found a few spelling errors.
- On the opening story the word CHRISTMASS should only have one S and the end of the word
- In Hibburck's dialog choice #2 - the word CAREFULL should be spelled CAREFUL
That is all I found so far. I should have more time to play soon. I love the look of the module so far.
Awesome work!! 

December 23rd, 2004, 09:48 AM
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Re: Christmas module (v 1.0 released)
henk brouwer said:
I hope some more mods will be released, there are at least a few mods out there that people claimed were days or hours from release, but that somehow never made it.
Escape from my farm was fairly advanced but i lost it when my computer always stopped working and always needed to be formatted, the power supply and the motherboard are scrap. But now i have a new computer and i might have a lot of time to work on a new mod during Christmas break.
more info soon...

December 23rd, 2004, 12:02 PM
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Re: Christmas module (v 1.0 released)
ace joh said:
Yeah, I might release a small sneak peak of DOWW2 (cool name ), could use some balancing thoughts...
Good news 
Let me know when you have something that's ready for testing
ace joh said:
I'd suggest turning the chests into oversized presents btw
Good suggestion about the presents  .
Also I'll run the conversations in the module through a spell checker...
I'm going to try and get a small patch out before christmas, (the module will quite likely be outdated soon after  ).
Did anyone else find bugs, or are there play balance or other suggestions?

December 23rd, 2004, 03:17 PM
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Re: Christmas module (v 1.0 released)
I found two terrain errors so far (currently exploring the ice cave), one is in the ice lake, where you can move through one of the forest images. Looking at the terrain file, it seems to be those 'possible chest location' terrains?
Also was a bit surprised you could shoot through forests, but I suppose that was intentional
Another bug was in the ice cave, where one corner simply showed a massive rock cube instead. Don't know how to take a screenshot, unfortunately, can't show you.
About balance, well, I suppose characters with light spells have a slight advantage? My thief can't really use bows and other two handed weapons, unless there's another light source nearby.
That's all for now, I'll let you know if I find more.
Oh yeah, perhaps that message box you get when finding wurrick is a bit overkill, for that one sentence 
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