
June 26th, 2001, 02:06 AM
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Re: PBW \"newbie game\"
Out he goes! Sorry Saxon. Anyway, Baal, get in there and upload your empire file so we can get started.
The turns are 24 hours long, or whenever everyone uploads their turn, whichever comes first. The timer starts from when the turn before is done, so if the Last person uploads their turn at 6 PM EST, the next turn will end at or before 6 PM EST the next day. If you miss a turn, the AI takes over for that turn.
Make sure to check the forum for the game, too, as once contact is established I'll do a bit of RP there, the in-game comms being too slow
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June 26th, 2001, 03:24 AM
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Re: PBW \"newbie game\"
I just want to encourage you to continue posting your trials and tribulations as this game progresses. The differences and unique aspects of PBW as experienced by complete novices to the form should prove a very interesting addition to the Strategy Guide. Experienced PBW/PBeM players often lose sight of what they had to adapt to when they first started. They simply don't notice them any more. Not that I want to discourage their comments, it's just we really need to provide a "newbie" view as well.
Only wanted to let you know there is a wider audience than the immediate players. Good luck to all!
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[This message has been edited by Dubious (edited 26 June 2001).]
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June 26th, 2001, 04:06 AM
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Re: PBW \"newbie game\"
In reply to Dubious:
Our game has not started yet, but I started my very first PBW game a few days ago (now on turn 6) and ran into something strange:
I just produced a number of mines on my Last turn. In a normal game (against AI only) I can have my planet launch these mines into orbit, to catch any potential attacking ships. This option is disabled in Simultaneous play games? Is that normal? Must I build a mine layer to
launch the mines into orbit over my planet?

June 26th, 2001, 06:33 AM
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Re: PBW \"newbie game\"
Well, it's started. Generated a nice map, set the targets up (neutral empires, hehe), then went to play my turn..
..only to find out I started the game in a system who's star says "Is prone to violent eruptions and has an unstable core" when I click on it. Good thing that doesn't DO anything.
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- Digger

June 26th, 2001, 06:35 AM
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Re: PBW \"newbie game\"
Small update to my Last post:
I also asked the mines question to a fellow player in my PBW game. I will paste a few lines from his email response:
> Mines can be lauched with out the help of a ship but it happenes at the end
> of the turn e.g as turn is processed
> In multiplayer get use to the orders screens (the eye) these screens tell
> you what you have told planets and ships to do during processing.
And here is my follow-up question:
Just one more question about the mines:
Must I use the "launch units remotely" button because the normal "launch /
recover units" button is greyed out. I can do that and say launch mines and
then click on planet (I assume if you click anywhere else it wont work cause
planets can only launch into their own orbits?). But this will not let me
control how many of the mines stored on the planet will be launched? I only
want to launch 10 or so (enough that a minesweeping destroyer level I cant
sweep em all) and keep the rest on planet so that my minelayers can pick
them up and move em around. Minelayers still cannot recover mines that are
already launched in to space, right?
Hope anyone can clarify.

June 26th, 2001, 06:48 AM
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Re: PBW \"newbie game\"
Dragonlord, you have just discovered one of the more annoying aspects of sim turn games. Launching of units is an all or nothing deal since it can only be done with the "Launch Units Remotely" button. The only way to control how many units is launched is to only have that amount of units to launch or build a ship/base that can only launch the wanted number of units. Which pretty much means that you need two ships to lay mines and sats. One to do the launching and one to do the carrying. A bit of a pain.
Oh, and you're right about how to make a planet luanch. If don't want to launch them all have a transport or base with cargo space take the rest on board while launching. Like I said, a pain.
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June 26th, 2001, 07:01 AM
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Re: PBW \"newbie game\"
quote: Originally posted by Jubala:
Oh, and you're right about how to make a planet luanch. If don't want to launch them all have a transport or base with cargo space take the rest on board while launching. Like I said, a pain.
Jubala, thanks for the clarification.
Anybody have any idea why it is implemented this way? Why not simply make it work the same way as in single-player games?

June 26th, 2001, 07:04 AM
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Re: PBW \"newbie game\"
Back to Phoenix's message a few Posts ago:
The game has just started, and I must say I have an most excellent starting position (I think). Nice system with two breathable planets in it. I'm assuming placement was random (right phoenix?) and perhaps I'll get an advantage over other players who don't start off as well...my home system is also easily defendable...(evil chuckle).

June 26th, 2001, 08:26 AM
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Re: PBW \"newbie game\"
Dragonlord, I have no idea why it is implemented that way. It's not consequent with how cargo is handled so I don't understand it.
As for your start in your game, yes it is good. Two breathable planets aint all that usual and if they are both medium or above in size count yourself lucky. And if I am correct in assuming you only have one warp point leading our of your homesystem then it sounds to me like you have a really good starting position. Good luck. 
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June 26th, 2001, 07:01 PM
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Re: PBW \"newbie game\"
I re-gened until I got the map I wanted- I like the "all WPs connected" OFF, then re-gen the map until they are all connected approach.
I got an easily defensable system too.
I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
- Digger
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