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Old September 16th, 2004, 05:40 PM

Thufir Thufir is offline
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Default Re: New & raw web based Dominion II game server

Esben Mose Hansen said:
Done. Except that now the server requires libsdl. Oh well, I'm installing now.... emerge -av libsdl, wait, done. Gotta love linux

I'll see when I can code up something to support mods and the new switches. Tonight, I'm too tired.
Forgive my opaqueness, but just to be sure, this means all current mosehansen games are now being run under 2.14, correct?
Old September 16th, 2004, 06:27 PM

Schmoe Schmoe is offline
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Default Re: New & raw web based Dominion II game server

And if so, should we update our game before connecting for a new turn?
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Old September 17th, 2004, 10:41 AM

Mark the Merciful
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Default Re: New & raw web based Dominion II game server


I hate to post anything remotely critical about an excellent public service that you've provided out of pure generosity. But the fact is that it is a public service, so...

Next time, would you consider making an announcement about Version updates before you implement them, and give people some time to read the announcement and prepare for the changes? Although at the moment I'm an obsessed DomII addict who checks these forums and mosehansen several times a day, I'm dimly aware that there are some who don't. Given that this patch makes gameplay changes (e.g. gem-creating items) and will inevitably cause compatibility worries (thus the multiple Posts on these forums worrying about whether turns will fail), I think it would have been really helpful to give people a couple of days notice before it happened.

Thanks once again for the server and the service.

Old September 17th, 2004, 10:44 AM

Mark the Merciful
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Default Re: New & raw web based Dominion II game server

Schmoe said:
And if so, should we update our game before connecting for a new turn?
Schmoe; my understanding is that Versions 2.12, 2.13 and 2.14 are compatible and turns sumbitted in the "wrong" Version will still work correctly. The only issue is that battle replays may not display correctly (though the final result in the message screen will still be right). Hope that makes sense.

Old September 17th, 2004, 11:02 AM

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Default Re: New & raw web based Dominion II game server


Next time, would you consider making an announcement about Version updates before you implement them, and give people some time to read the announcement and prepare for the changes? Although at the moment I'm an obsessed DomII addict who checks these forums and mosehansen several times a day, I'm dimly aware that there are some who don't. Given that this patch makes gameplay changes (e.g. gem-creating items) and will inevitably cause compatibility worries (thus the multiple Posts on these forums worrying about whether turns will fail), I think it would have been really helpful to give people a couple of days notice before it happened.

I think its a good rule: patch out -> upgrade.

Many people wouldn't see an announcement. A new patch is a more common information.
Old September 17th, 2004, 11:25 AM
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Default Re: New & raw web based Dominion II game server

Seems to me that all my double-stacked fetishes and clams and what not are still working under 2.14, so I dont think there is much need to panic.
Old September 17th, 2004, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: New & raw web based Dominion II game server

calmon said:

Next time, would you consider making an announcement about Version updates before you implement them, and give people some time to read the announcement and prepare for the changes?

I think its a good rule: patch out -> upgrade.

Really? Look at the fact that so many people and games _didn't_ upgrade to 2.13, because of potential problems that turned out to be potentially game-destroying bugs.

Not to mention that if someone was playing and not bothering to look here, they'd have no idea that a new patch was out. And since there's no way to tell what Version the host is running....

I definately agree that there should in general be some announcement and notification about upgrades.
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Old September 17th, 2004, 12:07 PM
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Default Re: New & raw web based Dominion II game server

It says on the "Welcome Page" what Version the server is running (it's 2.14 today... )
Old September 17th, 2004, 12:12 PM

Thufir Thufir is offline
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Default Re: New & raw web based Dominion II game server

Soapyfrog said:
Seems to me that all my double-stacked fetishes and clams and what not are still working under 2.14, so I dont think there is much need to panic.
Actually, I'm starting to wonder if our turns really ran under 2.14. I saw the infamous bogus battle report when I looked at my most recently run turn via 2.14, and the battle report was fine when I viewed under 2.12?

This turn was in the game Live and Learn, and was definitely hosted after Esben posted his upgrade notice.
Old September 17th, 2004, 12:15 PM

Mark the Merciful
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Default Re: New & raw web based Dominion II game server

Calmon: The trouble is, that isn't (and can't realistically be) the rule. See for example what happened - or didn't happen - around the 2.13 patch. What actually happens is that a patch comes out and we wait for Esben to announce when he's going to upgrade. In this case, he announced that he already had upgraded, and I think that was just a bit too fast for some people.

I didn't have any clam hoards to worry about, and was already aware that that 2.12,2.13 and 2.14 turn files were compatible. But that's clearly not been the case for all players here, and I think it would have been best if they had had a chance to have their questions answered before the upgrade happened.

It's not a big deal, certainly not a disaster. But it could have been done slightly better IMO.

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