
March 4th, 2004, 07:48 PM
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Re: Kingdom of Karan and Targa
Originally posted by Wauthan:
Am I the only one who wants a Targanification of the Sundering and Cirlani maps?
Not everyone have the time or patience for 1200+ turns huge maps you know.
I like maps of all sizes. Small maps can be really nice for learning about fast expansion and (as was already said) for MP "duels" and quick blitz games, against AIs or against other humans.
Basically, my feeling is "the more maps the better, regardless of size".
I agree with the realistic Irishman who said he preferred to prophesy *after* the event.
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March 4th, 2004, 08:18 PM
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Re: Kingdom of Karan and Targa
Some peoples ideas of tactics and strategy all involve things they have thought up before the game even begins. My playing style relies on making better use of whats thrown at me than the other guy. Hence my love of random. Random maps, random placements, random events, luck, etc.
I like to choose my time and place for battles. I dont do well on maps where all of our provinces will be bordering all of someone elses before mid-game. I totally understand people wanting other size maps. But when everyone was saying large maps I just wanted to know if I should get excited. By large, do they mean what I mean when I say large.
Apparently not. I guess my vote would then be...
Hmmm there was another thread this would be better in. Dont want to steal Targa's light.
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March 4th, 2004, 08:37 PM
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Re: Kingdom of Karan and Targa
when i started with dom2 i was mainly playing small maps, but once i really got the hang i wanted bigger maps.
I think the Kingdom of Karan has almost an almost perfect size.
I usually let participate each nation except Ryleh, Atlantis and Miclan as well as Ermor.
Thats because i dont like Water nations because they can backstab you and miclan because they ALWAYS get beaten, no matter what happens. It seems just like the KI is not capeable of playing them. Same goes for Ermor, except that the AI is too good at playing and other AIs cannot handle them. Caelum seems to be quite weak, too, at least AI played.

March 4th, 2004, 10:53 PM
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Re: Kingdom of Karan and Targa
Personally I like Huge maps also.
Targa, since you wont have that much time, you could consider taking Kingdom of Karan and make it a wrap-around-world by adding border provinces to make the wrap look smooth.
Great Work.

March 4th, 2004, 11:21 PM
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Re: Kingdom of Karan and Targa
Originally posted by The_Duke:
Personally I like Huge maps also.
Targa, since you wont have that much time, you could consider taking Kingdom of Karan and make it a wrap-around-world by adding border provinces to make the wrap look smooth.
Great Work.
Looking at it, he won't need to. It appears to have been designed with wrap-around in mind; all the boundaries match up. He would just need to add borders to the provinces on the current edges.

March 5th, 2004, 12:22 AM
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Re: Kingdom of Karan and Targa
Originally posted by Gandalf Parker:
Some peoples ideas of tactics and strategy all involve things they have thought up before the game even begins. My playing style relies on making better use of whats thrown at me than the other guy. Hence my love of random. Random maps, random placements, random events, luck, etc.
I'm not so much a fan of randomness, but rather, unpredictability. We have saying about randomness on our site, but it's kind of an inside joke and nobody here would get it.
Unpredictability, on the other hand, is fun. While it's all fine and good to think of strategy and tactics before the game starts, the element of unpredictability provided by human opponents will insure that no plan survives first contact with the enemy.

March 5th, 2004, 02:08 AM
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Re: Kingdom of Karan and Targa
My vote: same size or slightly smaller, with wraparound.
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March 5th, 2004, 02:16 AM
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Re: Kingdom of Karan and Targa
Since I haven't had the time to play a game on your map till now I can't tell for sure, but as has been said due to the smaller number of large maps around, I tend to support the "same or larger" faction.

March 5th, 2004, 02:24 AM
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Re: Kingdom of Karan and Targa
In response to your question about the size of your next map Targa, I think it should be around the same size. 160-170 land provinces and 20-25 water provinces is plenty. With about 6 or 7 AI or opponents it plays great. These super big maps just get bogged down in my opinion. And I wasnt kidding about paying you for more maps in my earlier post.  I can tell you put a lot of work into them.
[ March 04, 2004, 16:45: Message edited by: Buzzbomb ]

March 5th, 2004, 02:41 AM
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Re: Kingdom of Karan and Targa
I would also vote for a larger map, either Orania-sized or larger. Once I get more involved in the game (I am still new to Dominions), I imagine I will like the very large maps like many of the others here.
About your previous work, I have downloaded the ones from Illwinter's map page and intend to play the Karan map a few times as my next target. Thanks for all of the hard work you have done.
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