
February 23rd, 2004, 09:41 PM
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Unwise Flag mod
The question keeps coming up in my AAR thread of where the modded flags I'm using can be obtained. They are from Unwise's Flags mod.
A pic of them in use can be seen here: AAR map (1280x1024)
EDIT: Potatoman's excellent Ashikaga mod also contains an Unwise mod-compatible icon, but it's not enabled by default. Instructions for doing so are included in the descriptive text near the top of the "samurai.dm" file.
[ February 23, 2004, 20:24: Message edited by: Arryn ]

February 23rd, 2004, 09:47 PM
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Re: Unwise Flag mod
Very nice indeed, I think ill grab those. Thanks!

February 24th, 2004, 11:10 AM
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Re: Unwise Flag mod
Are there any compatibility issues in MP, in case some players have installed that mod, and others haven�t? (Probably not, but I thought I�d better ask.)

February 24th, 2004, 11:16 AM
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Re: Unwise Flag mod
Originally posted by Coffeedragon:
Are there any compatibility issues in MP, in case some players have installed that mod, and others haven�t? (Probably not, but I thought I�d better ask.)
This mod only affects the flags that display on your map, but I don't know if it'll work in MP if the server isn't running the mod.
AFAIK, all MP players must use the same mods. If the server isn't running the mod, it may automatically turn it off on the client side. Someone with more experience in using mods in MP will have to advise on what will happen if you try the mod in MP and the server isn't running the mod.

February 24th, 2004, 12:11 PM
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Re: Unwise Flag mod
Originally posted by Arryn:
If the server isn't running the mod, it may automatically turn it off on the client side.
I was thinking about (unlikely) negative effects, if the server *does* run the mod, but the client doesn�t.

February 24th, 2004, 01:43 PM
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Re: Unwise Flag mod
From my experience all clients just have to have the mod installed, not "active". So you can play different MP games with different mods.
I'm not sure of what happens if a client lacks a mod, but I think it's some kind of "alloc error with xxx.dm" or "nagot gick fell" error message  .

February 24th, 2004, 03:48 PM
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Re: Unwise Flag mod
After seeing the pix in Arryn's AAR, I've started to use your mod.
And I must say that your icons used on Targa's (gorgeous) Karan map improve the looks of the game tremendously.
The map looks both better and more professional. Well done & thanks!
If you can focus long enough to start on a new Version, any possibility of changing the colour of the 3 green symbols a bit?
Ulm, pangea and pythium are nearly the same shade...
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February 24th, 2004, 05:57 PM
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Re: Unwise Flag mod
Yes unwise, I really like the shields more than the flags. Maybe you could make a small and large Version? Id like the shields not to cover the province name. Or maybe tell me how you did them and I can give it a shot to? Im not very graphically oriented (editing that is) on my comp.

February 24th, 2004, 06:19 PM
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Re: Unwise Flag mod
I dont find the flags to be that much of a problem. I guess I wouldnt mind if Illwiner changed it so the flag only appeared at the home province and smaller colored diamond (color mathcing the scoreboard colors) for all else. Or maybe a filter to change flags to diamonds.
But in any case Id love to see it affect the independent flags. THATS the one that bugs me. Especially in the MapEditor. In fact if a mod just changed that one flag to something less obtrusive I would download it. Hmmm I wonder if that flag is a seperate file somewhere...
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February 24th, 2004, 09:25 PM
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Re: Unwise Flag mod
I just like the shields because I could identify the nations a little easier. And yes a shield for the indies would be nice to.
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