Turn 5 results
I reasearched Alt2 and Const1. Pythium declared an Emerald Lord as the prophet.
R�lyeh had a summer festival and I received 200 additional tax from R�lyeh, too. In Dunheim 5 fire gems were found.
My troops did very well in this battle, too. I lost only 2 slave troopers and the mercs lost another 2 men. The enemy force consisted of about 1/3 knights, militias and longbowmen and was supported by a priest.
Only 3 knights of the knight charge were even able to get into close combat range, but were killed fairly fast, but they still managed to kill 2 slave troopers and 2 mercs. Meanwhile the archers were shooting at my commander and Illithid Soldiers (good that those were armored well enough), but due to the range and protection nobody was killed. While the Last knight was killed the militias got into melee range, but after just one turn of attacks their morale broke and they ran. My troops killed the stuned/retreating troops and before they were able to reach the archers their leader turned and fled. My troops just had to dispatch some more paralysed victims, including about 5 of the archers in the end.
Provinces: 3
Treasury: 447
Income: 276
Upkeep: 69
Resources: 72
Water gems: 12 (+2)
Astral gems: 15 (+3)
Unrest went down to 0 in R�lyeh, is at 2 in Dunheim and 18 in Gol Phalas.
Dom is at 7 in R�lyeh, 1 in Dunheim and -1 in Gol Phalas.
Updated province information:
Devourer (6) � 40(s) -60(g) Trition Troopers and Triton Guards � Sea
Tiash (15) � 20(g)/30(s) � 40 (g) Militias and Heavy Infantries � Forest/Swamp � Dom1, 2.5k pop, 10 inc, 45 res
Dershid (20) � 40(s) � 60(g) Tribal Warriors and Tribal Archers � Plains � Dom1, 6k pop, 29 inc, 12 res
Vepitre (14) � 40(g)/60(s)-80(g) Tribal Warriors and Tribal Archers � Plains � Black Candle1, O1, P2, G2, Mi1, Ma1
Kolermegor (5) � 40-60 Crossbowman, Militias and Heavy Infantry � Forest � general intel � Dom0, 9k pop, 46 inc, 34 res
Talito (36) � 30(s) � 50(g) Milita, Light and Heavy Infantries � Plains
Scythia (35) � 40 Light/Heavy Infantry and Crossbowmen � general intel
C�tis (27) - ???
Abysia (40) � 20 Abysian Infantry and Humanbreads, Cyclops pretender
Aran Plain (23) - 50 Light/Heavy Infantry and Militia � general intel
My scout in Vepitre (14) reports that the capital to the east does not belong to Jotun, but to Pangaea, which does surprise me a little bit.
My confirmed neighbours are Abysia, Pangaea and C�tis and I am not to happy about any of them. Still no trace of Atlantis, which is not making me really sad
My army is in Gol Phalas (26) and the bordering provinces are (west to east) Talito (36), Abysia (40), Scythia (35), Aran Plain (23) and Vepitre (14).
The main question now is which AI to fight first and how to be fairly save from the other AIs stabbing me in the back.
Without Atlantis in the game my first choice would have been trying to crush C�tis on the peninsula NW of my capital, but I currently have no common border with C�tis and they might actually serve as a buffer vs Atlantis.
My newly aquired province of Gol Phalas (26) is bordering right on Abysia (40) and makes Abysia a likely target for further expansion. But in this way I would have Pangaea potentialy in my back, but since I don�t share a common border with Pangaea at the moment I would have at least some warning if they want to go after me.
If my reports from Abysia are correct and there are only 20 infantry and a pretender in his capital this might actually be a chance that is too sweet to miss.
The mercs are paid for one more turn and attacking Abysia might just be the way to put them to best use. Taking Abysia would put me closer to the 3 farm lands to its west, too.
I think I will recruit a mage starspawn this turn for 280 in order to get a offensive mage who is able to bring the Illithids I recruited during the Last turns and the 3 summons to the (potential) front and cast quickness and mind burn.
Either I will add 3 Illithid Soldiers for further offense or start to raise some defenses � but since the only direct threat at the moment is Abysia I tend towards the Soldiers.
I am still undecided about what to do next and would love some feedback. Personally I tend towards attacking Abysia immediatly (despite bad intel � hmm, bad intel, sounds familiar, wasn�t there something about making a mistake due to bad intel earlier ?
