
December 5th, 2003, 08:41 AM
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Re: AranMP game (renamed)
Still waiting for Sammual.
I am starting the game this evening, with or without him.

December 5th, 2003, 01:45 PM
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Re: AranMP game (renamed)
Sorry all, I was getting married on the 4th and have been a bit Busy. *grin*
I send my file in today.

December 5th, 2003, 03:27 PM
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Re: AranMP game (renamed)
Boggle....already started, 1st turn files are sent.

December 5th, 2003, 05:23 PM
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Re: AranMP game (renamed)
Originally posted by Wendigo:
Boggle....already started, 1st turn files are sent.
I've finished mine... Should we expect a second 1st turn with Sammuel? Either one is fine. It's very easy to do it.
Also, how should the in-game diplomacy proceed? With emails? With game Messages only? Or none at all?

December 5th, 2003, 05:48 PM
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Re: AranMP game (renamed)
I am not going to restart unless all other players unanimously & expressely say so, and this seems unlikely as I have already started receiving the .2h files.

December 5th, 2003, 06:13 PM
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Re: AranMP game (renamed)
Regarding diplomacy I have no big preferences, usually in-game messaging is better for RP (and adds a kind of realistic delay in the comunications), on the other side e-mail obviously makes for a more fluent comunication tho I usually get lazy with it and RP less.
Whatever suits you people better, not going to imposse any strict rules on this as they cannot be enforced anyway.

December 6th, 2003, 03:45 AM
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Re: AranMP game (renamed)
Turn 2!
Let's see if we can get a few turns this weekend & move past the early game.

December 11th, 2003, 11:18 AM
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Re: AranMP game (renamed)
Turn 6 update:
Got 4 out of 6 .2h files already, hosting as soon as I get R'lyeh's & Ulm's.
On the whole I am pretty satisfied with the speed we are moving at, 1 turn/day is pretty good for PBEM. No particular player seems to be stalling behind, which is also good considering that this type of game requires a long term comitment.
Once we advance further in the game & turns require more time investment we will likely slow down a bit, but let's try to mantain the regularity. If any of you is leaving for some days or has some temporary issue that limits his time (exams,...), just drop me a note or post here so that we are in the known.
I have no trips abroad until mid January, so I believe I can keep the hosting regular for now. You should expect hosting to happen around 7:00 PM my time (GMT+1), which is basically the time I get back home during the week. At weekends I will just host as soon as all files be in.
One possible exception: days 22->29 of the current I am likely to spend at the other side of the country & away from my desktop's. I have installed the game at my laptop & am trying to make it run, got some trouble tho as I am not a tech guy and this thing has no video card to speak of, just the motherBoards' (8 MB, SiS 630/730 or somesuch), so if any of you can offer some pointers to help with this maybe I can make it run & keep the game rolling during Xmas. I am browsing the related threads in the forums for tips for now.

December 17th, 2003, 10:32 AM
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Re: AranMP game (renamed)
Turn 13 & moving at an excellent pace, great!
The -x modifier seems to make Dom II run in my laptop and, even if ugly, I can actually watch the replays...so game can go on as far as I am concerned during my trip away.
I will most likely leave on Monday 22 & return on Monday 29, so you should expect some irregular hosting those 2 days. I will do my best to not delay the game anyway.
Once again, if anyone is travelling & going to be unable to play for a number of days just say so.

December 17th, 2003, 05:45 PM
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Re: AranMP game (renamed)
Saber Cherry,
Sorry for the stab  .
ywl / Ulm
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