Im currently playing for the first time game vs computer opponents, a game long ago won - just to see those nasty system destroyers at work.
I kinda like it when i get message from puny primitives: "U grow have gone too far ! We smash u face !" - and 3 rounds later every single of their systems get turned into a blackhole system (at the same time)
I have already built a ringworld at every star in every system i own (as i had nothing better to do). They all are filled with resource storages, weaponplatforms and figters.
My fleets combined sitting at the single warppoint out of my 2 clusters of systems (cluster type galaxy) fill almost the entire combat screen when some one comes to visit...
What should i do next ?
I think i will have to kill everyone else in the galaxy .. but i cant figure why they start war agains my huge empire, when i have demonstraded what happens when u try that. Kinda stupid of them to start a war agains empire with 20+ times the score :/
The AI empires couldnt grow fast enough - even though i let them attack my systems almost unchecked (didnt mine my warppoints, nor blockade them - untill i had already won). They just plain SUCKED ! Well, ok.. i DID lose few systems, but i still won the game - in the end ..
Id like to think im just so uber leet player the AI is no match for me - but i know better
Those TDM AI races kick my arse up n down the nebulae, BUT ! I couldnt get TDM and FQM to work together after installing v1.91 patch

- i miss the nasty AIs in the mods.
Is there some way to make them work together again - i _think_ i did it all as they r supposed to in the FQM homepage, but then again its me here ..