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Old June 20th, 2004, 12:45 AM
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Default Re: Space Food Empires!

I've updated the technology > weapons page with the remainder of weapons, which more or less has doubled it's size. I didn't realize it at first, but I have almost as many weapon entries as I do component entries.

Next up is an update to facilities. I have the basic ones in place, but I'm still working on generating new ideas for racial facilities and other specialized ones as well.


One item I'm considering modifying is the propulsion system to use mounts to size engines to a ship size, rather than the current pseudeo-newtonian system I have now. The general idea here either way is to ensure each ship size has the relatively same proportion of space dedicated to propulsion. Why do you guys think?
Space Empires Depot | SE:V Balance Mod
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Old June 20th, 2004, 01:07 AM
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Default Re: Space Food Empires!

Here is a direct link if you are struggling to find the weapons page:
Space Empires Depot | SE:V Balance Mod
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Old June 20th, 2004, 03:35 AM
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Default Re: Space Food Empires!

Originally posted by narf poit chez BOOM:
'The frying pan or the fire. Choose.'
Nice. I like it.
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Old June 20th, 2004, 10:41 PM
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Default Re: Space Food Empires!


I've been doing work on the facilities this afternoon and would like to share some information with you guys.

One of the features in the mod is its economics. Macromolecules have replaced minerals, organics are still organics, and radioactives are now inorganics.

Macromolecules are plentiful, easily collected, and the primary building resource. Organics are relatively easy to gather and also used in construction. Inorganics are difficult to extract, and are often associated with more advanced technologies and are more of an "exotic" resource.

Here are the relevant resource facilites and their extraction rates at each level:

Macromolecules Collector I-X: 350-450-550-625-700-775-850-900-950-1000.
Organics Harvester I-X: 300-375-450-500-550-600-650-700-750-800.
Inorganics Extractor I-V: 225-300-375-450-500

In addition, the build rates at space yards are also variable:

Construction Yard I-V:
1000-1500-2000-2250-2500 Macromolecules
750-1000-1250-1375-1500 Organics
250- 375- 500- 625- 750 Inorganics

In this setup, macromolecules will not always be the deciding resource for build time. Advanced ships using more Inorganics may take a few turns longer than older ships that have the same Macromolecules cost.

Overall, the effect I'm going for is to make ships more substantial. It will take longer to build them and a higher percentage of resources to maintain them. This puts more of an emphasis on placement and use of ships, unlike many stock games where building ships is like building fighters. Overall fleet sizes might be smaller, but individual ships become more important.

Anyways, feel free to comment.


I'll try and get the list of facilities posted at the website later tonight.
Space Empires Depot | SE:V Balance Mod
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Old June 20th, 2004, 10:59 PM

JLS JLS is offline
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Default Re: Space Food Empires!

It sounds fascinating, with a steady proportional growth along with interesting construction rates also implying a welcomed and steady growth that may yield advantages to some Cultures and disadvantages to others.

I look forward to following its progress and actually playing your new mod - you have put much thought into this and it does sound fascinating.
- - - - -
Overall, the effect I'm going for is to make ships more substantial. It will take longer to build them and a higher percentage of resources to maintain them. This puts more of an emphasis on placement and use of ships, unlike many stock games where building ships is like building fighters. Overall fleet sizes might be smaller, but individual ships become more important
This is refreshing to see.
It is my belief - there are many Players that do not want to move several hundred Ships and maintain hundreds of Planets just to afford this. The game, to some - becomes a burden and more like a second job {when only in its mid game} and they may lose interest.

= = =
I look forward to your style

Goofy names , but it is understood the mod is only in beta

[ June 20, 2004, 22:54: Message edited by: JLS ]
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Old June 21st, 2004, 05:21 AM

Voidhawk Voidhawk is offline
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Default Re: Space Food Empires!

Looks great, Cap'n K, I can't wait to sink my teeth into this! (/me ducks flying vegetables)

This will be a useful mod for those extra-long SEIV binges during which I sometimes forget to eat. It's got a nifty reminder built right in!

I want it finished, and I want it finished yesterday!
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Old June 21st, 2004, 02:10 PM
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Default Re: Space Food Empires!

Goofy names
They're NEAT, I can see you as the patato head race JLS
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Old June 21st, 2004, 05:25 PM

clark clark is offline
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Default Re: Space Food Empires!

The religious trait can be the "Vegan" trait.

Hey Narf, how about this: #3. "You're such a Fruit."


"An apple a day keeps the vegatables at bay."

"We come to preserve you."

Have any of you ever seen the famous "Mona Lisa Fruit Bowl"?

Speaking of, are you ready for some Fruit Ball?

"Yamses, let my Pickles go!"
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Old June 22nd, 2004, 08:08 PM

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Default Re: Space Food Empires!

"Carefull, he has a banana in his pocket and he dosen't look happy to see you!"
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Old June 22nd, 2004, 10:22 PM

Voidhawk Voidhawk is offline
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Default Re: Space Food Empires!

You should create one evil super-powerful race that's against everyone (sort of like the Antarans in MoO2). They could be the only non-organic race, like sentient cybernetic food processors.

"Captain, long range sensors are detecing a massive fleet of incoming Cuisinart and Salad Shooter class ships!"

"On screen.... What the hell is that thing?"

"It looks like a... like a giant blender, captain..."

"Order the retreat! Run away!"
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