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Old March 27th, 2003, 03:55 AM

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Default Re: [OT] Your visions of the future.

-Will we colonise the solar system? When?
-Will we ever travel beyond this solar system? When? How? How far?

Eventually for both. As to when. The technology to do it exists even now, but at great expense. I don't see people going out there for awhile as it would be too expensive. How long exactly? I don't know. Sometime between now and later.

-How long will humanity survive? Will we evolve into something else, be wiped out by war/ catastrophe or have we reached the point where we can overcome or avoid anything nature can throw at us?

Three main options here.
First we kill ourselves off in the immediate future. If this does happen it will most likely be the result of some unforseen accident or a super madman/terrorist getting their hands on something really nasty and killing us all either by design(I'll take all those bastards with me!) or accident (this super disease will wipe out all the Americans!! And then the rest of the world... oopsie.) I doubt it would be something like nuclear war as we can all see it coming and take action to prevent it. It is generally that which you don't see coming that gets you. I don't favor this option. It would have to kill us all very fast without any room for even trying to think of escape. Technology has reached a point where if species survival depended on it we could most likely come up with something. Barring the Xi'Chung or Borg or some other massive super advanced alien force. This isn't the movies folks. Kiss your heinies good bye.

Next we colonize this system or at least parts of it but develop still stronger stuff to kill each other and once again wipe ourselves out in some unexpected way. Still don't favor this one, as would have to be power mad crazy people or someone with more power than brains (wait... *looks at current world leaders* maybe this just raised in potential possibility.)

Last we colonize the system do expand to other systems, and failing some massive galaxy or universe shattering event or super massive super more advanced than us genocidal species coming along, we survive potentially forever spreading throughout the universe like some super infestation of organic life.

-Will civilisation continue on its path or are we headed for a catastrophe and a new dark age?

Dark age? That is possible. But that would still only delay progress. In the past the societies were so seperated that dark ages only affected one part but not all and so some of what one had learned could be preserved by those that didn't fall (see Europe and Arabia, similiar interactions can be seen in most of the world.) Today it would be worse a Dark age would entail the complete collapse of most if not all of global civilization and would most likely require nuclear warfare or massive biological outbreaks, perhaps some earthshattering natural calamity.

A dark age though would really only be a delay in progress not a stopage.

-Will we meet intelligent ETs? Will they come here or will we have to go to them? How will we get on with them?

Assuming our survival and either A> an infinite or close enough to not matter universe B> the existence of ETs
then yes, eventually.
Maybe they are already here, maybe not. I am as of yet undecided. But if not already here they had better hurry up or we will wind up going to them.

-Will we achieve AI? When? What will be the ramifications for humanity? Will we all become cyborgs?

Don't know for AI. Probably eventually. Ramifications? Who could say in the 1700's what the ramifications of the internet and a network of instant communication across the world would be? Do we as of yet understand them?

Cyborgs for me follow the path of we are not united so some will say yes and accept and others will scream no and run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

One of them will be right and go on and the other wrong. I tend to think the cyborgs will win out in the end. Having a synthetic heart doesn't make you any less human. So why should having a calculator in your brain that helps you do math faster? Possibly some consequences that can't be forseen. Maybe it messes with the brain? We can't say. We don't know enough about electronics let alone the human brain to be guessing on mind machine interface. As to arms and the like. We already have stuff like that. Will be people with tons of it be looked at differently. Probably, I mean some of us look at each other differently because of skin/eye/hair color. Will life go on for those with it? Yes. How about people who cut off the nature arm for the artificial? How about people who have ugly teeth removed to get better looking false teeth or eye color changing contacts? I think that eventually based on human aesthetics you won't even be able to tell a person has a cybernetic enhancement. Early on, maybe.

If we expand into space there will be plenty of room for both points of view and most likely both will go on seperate and not equal but present if maybe distant.

-What about genetics? Will future generations of humans be improved (or maybe "improved") by gene-tweaking? Will people accept this?

See cybernetics above.

-What about neural technology? Will our great-grandchildren have computers embedded in their brains and direct mental access to everyone else?

See cybernetics above.
As for

-Will communications technology fundamentally change society? Will government become obselete when we're all jacked into some gigantic global network? Will we become the Borg?

No. It hasn't changed our society yet so it won't ever! Err wait... it already has massively changed society! AHHHH!!! Changes in the way we communicate and the speed and distances at which we can communicate ALWAYS necessitate changes in society. The future will be no different.

The need for people to organzie themselves so that they can point at others and say "It is your fault you are in charge" and others to take power just to have it will probably always be around. Communications technology won't change the people just how fast they communicate and interact. People are still people.

The whole borg brain hive mind thing is overdone. A single entity thinking brain. I think we as people are fascinated with this because we always want to know what others are thinking and a hive mind always does ANMD gets along! HAH! How well does your single mind get along with itself? If we all hooked up wouldn't like thinking minds hook themselves up and then not want to mix their great big brain with that nasty ugly big brain over there? Or maybe one mind dominates the others and takes control... wouldn't all the others fight back? And if the universe is so big couldn't that be possible? If the one person has access to all the knowledge and memories of the others wouldn't that change them into a conglomeration of all thus all cease and only one exists!

Who can say? It has not happened as of yet. Based on human individuality I doubt it will. People may like to group and follow the crowd but that doesn't mean they want to BE the crowd.

-Will the usa conquer the entire world? How long before the new empire crumbles?

No. The USA has neither the desire nor the resources or manpower ot conquer the world. That being the case question two has no relevance.

-What art/ literature/ individuals from today will be remembered for centuries to come?

I won't even pretend to guess. I study history. It is amazing some of the things that were ridiculed in their own time that became great classics later and what everyone knew would be a great classic back then but now no one even knows the name of.

-Will humanity ever be united and war made a thing of the past, or is our tribalistic instinct too strong?

No. Disparate and seperate beings that CAN'T feel what others feel and understand and know each others deepest thoughts and are limited to verbal, written, and expressive (facial, etc) forms of communications can never truly understand each other. Even if we did understand each other could we agree on everything to such an extent that we can compromise on everything? How do black people compromise with Neo-Nazis? Kill themselves?
Conflict is fundamental to advancement. There is no single life form that doesn't conflict. Yes even ants and bees. Just think about it. When was the Last time two bee or ant hives fought? One thought one way and the other another. We form our own "hives" of similiar thought. I don't think that will change. Different experiences and genetics make different people.

Maybe if the borg thing comes around. But I don't put much faith in the borg thing either sooo...

-Is national identity something that will come to an end or will expansion to other planets create more nations and more conflicts?

See Above. National identity remains but as we expand and grow so does it. Look at North America. Slowl moving from US, Canada, and Mexico to closer Groups. Look at Europe with the EU. Other organizations that slowly bind themselves together abound. Eventually the nations we have today will probably only be parts of greater nations of the future, but that won't stop people from identifing with who they are based on where they are from. Sol, Earth, North America, USA, State of Texas, El Paso - Antares, New Earth, Suthron, Alpso Province, Divine... you group the importance as people always do... some with greater layers of religions, ethnicity, poitical beliefs, etc... it gets really complicated. But national divisions will remain as well as all the other divisions we have, though with constant changes.

See previous for conflict.

-What is the future of religion? Can it stand up to the advance of science? Will it evolve, die out or will it stay as it is?

Religion isn't based on fact or anything like that. It is based on pure unreasoning faith and the NEED to believe in something more. It has survived since probably the beginning of sentient thought and maybe earlier. Is evolutionary theory any less of a religion than creationism? It is a theory and thus not a given. Doesn't that take some faith? Doesn't everything take a little?

Religion hasn't kept itself alive despite the odds and the evidence. The people have kept religion alive despite all odds and evidence.
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Old March 27th, 2003, 04:00 AM

Askan Nightbringer Askan Nightbringer is offline
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Default Re: [OT] Your visions of the future.

Originally posted by dogscoff:
-Will we achieve AI? When? What will be the ramifications for humanity? Will we all become cyborgs?
I hope not. When most tasks can be carried out by machines what becomes the point of man?
Would we then get to live in some Utopian paradise while our worker robots do all the stuff and grow all the food? If there is no need for man to think will our brains shrivel up and our heads get smaller?

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Old March 27th, 2003, 04:22 AM
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Default Re: [OT] Your visions of the future.

It'll most certainly evolve; maybe perhaps we'll worship unified field theories as god itself, just as the greeks did once, with their pythagorean theorems.
Only a few Greeks did that. The vast majority of them stuck with the traditional gods.
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Old March 27th, 2003, 05:19 AM
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Default Re: [OT] Your visions of the future.

-Will the usa conquer the entire world? I certainly hope not. Neither I or the vast majority of my countrymen have any desire to conquer the world. I seriously doubt we could pull it off if we wanted to, and wouldn't know what to do with it afterwards if we could.
I foresee:

-Cricket and rugby, two games the majority of Americans neither understand nor care to, will be abolished within minutes of the end of world conquest;

-The Yankees will continue their trend of winning the World Series 85% of the time, and their payroll will hit twelve times the size of the next highest team;

-The NFL will continue to expand the playoffs to the top 131 teams out of 132, resulting in games being played round the clock all weekend long until the quarterfinals.

-Fidel Castro will still be "alive," a spring chicken of 183 years old, although he will have changed height and weight seven times, and will have been a platinum blonde with a strong resemblance to Britney Spears at least twice. He will still be wearing the same military uniform. In other news, it will be noticed that Britney Spears resembles a short Hispanic man shortly before she records two top-10 Latin albums.

-SECCLXV will be released. Malfador Machinations will receive complaints from the AI that the players aren't moddable enough.
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Old March 27th, 2003, 06:16 AM

Narrew Narrew is offline
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Default Re: [OT] Your visions of the future.

Originally posted by Cyrien:
The whole borg brain hive mind thing is overdone. A single entity thinking brain. I think we as people are fascinated with this because we always want to know what others are thinking and a hive mind always does ANMD gets along! HAH! How well does your single mind get along with itself? If we all hooked up wouldn't like thinking minds hook themselves up and then not want to mix their great big brain with that nasty ugly big brain over there? Or maybe one mind dominates the others and takes control... wouldn't all the others fight back?
I couldn't help but laugh when I thought about this... As we have 2 hemispheres in our brain, there would be 2 hemispheres in the Hive mind, Male and Female, so I see the following happening.

The Male side thinks, "Hey, I wanna have sex!!!" and the Female side thinks "GOD, is that ALL you think about?"..."Yes" the Male side says sheepishly... and the Hive Mind dies because the Female side gets too frustrated with the Male side *chuckle* (like a brain cramp).
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Old March 27th, 2003, 06:30 AM
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Default Re: [OT] Your visions of the future.

As we have 2 hemispheres in our brain, there would be 2 hemispheres in the Hive mind, Male and Female, so I see the following happening.
The hemispheres of the human mind have nothing to do with gender.
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Old March 27th, 2003, 06:33 AM

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Default Re: [OT] Your visions of the future.

[quote]Originally posted by Imperator Fyron:
The hemispheres of the human mind have nothing to do with gender.
Was just my vision of the hive mind, an analogy if you will, not based on fact, hence why I was laughing when I thought about it.
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Old March 27th, 2003, 06:35 AM
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Default Re: [OT] Your visions of the future.

Oh, ok.
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Old March 27th, 2003, 09:06 AM
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Default Re: [OT] Your visions of the future.

What do I see in the future? Sphagetti...

*Waits about ten minutes*

Mmmmmm..... Sphagetti.... The future is good.
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Old March 27th, 2003, 11:12 AM

Taera Taera is offline
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Default Re: [OT] Your visions of the future.

interesting topic, i'll give it a read tomorrow (its a damn 2am!)

For my (short) view of future, i agree with the first post by Askan - apathy and distortion would grow. Also i would like to agree with game developers - sooner or later, more likely sooner, somewhere somehow would start a big war where missiles would fly and BOOM. At least something will go BOOM. I think that eventually (read - accurate to the next millenium) people would realize the uselesness of their existance and try to do something about it. Personally i expect at least partial unification in the next 100 years. Not that i'll live that long .

As for space travel, i think that attemtps to colonize this and that will continue untill at least two countries wouldnt concentrate their combined efforts on. Flights outside solar system, if any at all and if possible, would have to wait a long time unless breaktrough comes (you never know...).
Overall its a bad time to livee in because everything is in the future

And to think i said short...

[ March 27, 2003, 09:13: Message edited by: Taera ]
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