
June 9th, 2003, 09:15 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Hey guys finally get to play again. I've got the newest Version of AIC but have a question. Creating a new empire. How is this best accomplished, is it better to edit an existing one or can I just click on add new and go from there. Also when you are setting up your new empire it has use race minister style. Choices are use selected style or use style from race. But if I start a new race where does it get it information from? Just curious as I would like to mix things up here as well instead of using just the four that come with this mod, but I would like to understand what I am doing. Thanks.

June 9th, 2003, 09:34 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Originally posted by HercMighty:
Hey guys finally get to play again. I've got the newest Version of AIC but have a question. Creating a new empire. How is this best accomplished, is it better to edit an existing one or can I just click on add new and go from there.
Either way... Please just remember to take *Human Player MUST SELECT here first* from the Advanced traits Menu (as it is with the supplied examples), then any options you may want other then the AI traits, including the MP Handicaps that will give your Empire 1000 extra Points to spend. Think about setting up a Dual Race.
Please refer to the instruction for
STARTING YOUR FIRST FEW AIC v3.0+ GAMES , less then 10 Posts down
Also when you are setting up your new empire it has use race minister style. Choices are use selected style or use style from race. But if I start a new race where does it get it information from? Just curious as I would like to mix things up here as well instead of using just the four that come with this mod, but I would like to understand what I am doing. Thanks.
Yes, the Races that are supplied are an Example. By selecting YES use style from race, you are able to use the Speech files for that race folder, as opposed to the default speech file
You may also Paste in (one) Race Set that you like from this Forum to the AICAMPAIGN/Pictures/Race Folder then CREATE NEW and selecting that Portrait.
If you copy any more then one, and only one person is Playing. Then all NEW Races that were added, but the one you choose; will need AI FILES from AIC.
[ June 09, 2003, 21:38: Message edited by: JLS ]

June 9th, 2003, 09:54 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
So it only uses the speech file and that it? It has no bearing on how the ministers actually act? Like if I use the other option and I get the choices of aggressive and so on those have no bearing on how the ministers actually work?

June 9th, 2003, 09:58 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Originally posted by HercMighty:
So it only uses the speech file and that it? It has no bearing on how the ministers actually act? Like if I use the other option and I get the choices of aggressive and so on those have no bearing on how the ministers actually work?
Yes, it will be fine for all ministers, as you may be used too.
Except the DESIGN Minister he may not design your ships the way you want, just as se4 or other Mods...
If you do not go into any Data Files or alter any, then no problem, other wise:
If you rely on the ministers, you will at least have to have the AIC, AI files for that Race in that folder
For example: You will need an Organic Race Research Minister, to research organics, etc.
[ June 09, 2003, 22:10: Message edited by: JLS ]

June 9th, 2003, 10:07 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
If I start a new race then, when I choose my race and ship pics it is then also picking where it will get the minister info?

June 9th, 2003, 10:14 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Yes, HercMighty. Pick any supplied race, and alter it as you would from a MOD or the se4 game, you have done in the past.
Besure to Pick from the Advanced trait Menu the top *HUMAN PLAYER* trait. Please do not take any bottom AI Traits.
Please refer to the instruction for
Info on ministers only.
Yes, if the race you pick, has not been added by you physically, and is the standard se4 races Styles that was supplied with AIC. You will be fine with the ministers.
Just keep an Eye on the Design Minister, he likes to dabble with YOUR designs every time you get a new tech, as you would expect with se4 or other Mods...
This also does not mean you will like any of their decisions, most of us never do. But yes they will make them for you, if you want.
I personally like just starting with the Intel Minster only, then taking over after I meet another Race.
If you wish to add a Race other then the supplied Races, I will be happy to assist.
[ June 09, 2003, 22:45: Message edited by: JLS ]

June 10th, 2003, 01:20 AM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
The other Organic Race in AIC, and the only race that deviates from the Basic se4 Races, would be the Drushocka. They prefer no Atmosphere and make good use of the rocky moons.
The Drushocka race is a XiChung want a-be, and can be tough. The Drushocka are Impulsive, and as such, their actions and Research goals tend to be erratic. As result of this lack of focus, the Drushocka may decline in most non-bonus games.
Then there is Ukra-Tal the other Organic race of the three, are a very Serene race, and it is unlikely they will resort to violence from anger unless pushed to the extreme
Name := Drushocka
Biological Description := The Drushocka rather resemble greenish moss-covered boulders. They move through the oscillation of these moss fibers along their bodies. Suffice to say, they move very slow. However, they make up for this in physical toughness. Since they are predominantly composed of silicate and Organic based materials, they are literally as tough as rock.
Demeanor := Impulsive
Culture := Workers
Planet Type := Rock
Atmosphere := None
Name := Ukra-Tal
Description := The Ukra-Tal are an ancient peaceful people who excel at politics. They have also developed advanced organic manipulation technology.
Empire Name := Ukra-Tal
Empire Type := Collective
Emperor Name := Weshra-Tal
Emperor Title := Imperator
General History Description := Though they are actually a very peaceful people, the Ukra-Tal have been plagued by wars since they first ventured into space. History has shown that the Ukra-Tal are rarely the aggressors and that they are usually attacked out of fear of their organic technology. History also shows that the Ukra-Tal are not to be trifled with. Though slow to action, when they do go to war, it becomes a very serious endeavor.
Demeanor := Serene
Culture := Politicians
Planet Type := Ice
Atmosphere := Methane
Design Name File := Scandina.txt
[ June 09, 2003, 12:22: Message edited by: JLS ]

June 10th, 2003, 01:52 AM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Will the patch kill ongoing 2.9 games?
Kill em all let God sort em out

June 10th, 2003, 01:58 AM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Yes, in v3.00+, AIC goes towards Multiplayer and is a full upgrade. However AI Minefield handleing is basicly the same as 2.91-. Accept Human Player Minefields will be more effective over a longer periode of time in AI Bonus [none] games with AIC v3.00+.
It adds much for the Human Players Evolution and to tame the AI in None Bonus games
Please Download the Complete Version of AIC 3.01a this will add new Races, and Upgrade AIC to Multiplayer - More Centuriaon Systems and adds Psychic Intel Projects
Please refer to v3.00 and v3.01a release Posts below.
[ June 09, 2003, 13:22: Message edited by: JLS ]

June 10th, 2003, 08:34 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Okay I got it figured out now on how to do the empires thanks.
Your Fighter Mod though has me scratching my head a little though. I want to make sure I understand before I get to far into my game so I am not to handicapped. How are fighter different from a standard game? What are you doing different?
I guess I am confused by no strategic movements mentioned in the readme file and what the the free strategic fighter movement option in the race setup alters.
I am playng with simul movement.
Thanks for your help, I appreciate it. More of the game makes more and more sense as I read through the information a few times but I guess I am not getting a good grasp on this for some reason. I figure when I get to it a few times it will make sense, but I'm trying to understand as much as I can before I get to it.
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