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Old December 29th, 2002, 07:34 AM

Echo Mirage Echo Mirage is offline
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Default Research priority?

So I am still trying to figure out a strong way to begin the game.

Generally in the first turn or three I have my planets build exploiters and try and snag as many planets as possible. On consecutive turns I build space station/space yards, and have these continue producing exploiters or immediately begin to build weapons platforms/satellites.

Research is a different story, here I am still floundering in the sheer number of choices I can take. But typically I'll focus on Ship construction, Propulsion and one weapon type (usually Projectile weapons.)

If I have a specialty (such as a racial technology tree or a focus like developing Intelligence technology), I'll dump my Research points into these.

I am trying to develop a good "generic" start strategy because I am soon going to be involved in a PBEM game.

I really like the Intelligence projects and the havoc you can sow whilst hiding behind a mask of diplomacy. Is it, in your opinion a strong tactic to research Intelligence very early in the game and begin Intelligence projects in the first 20 turns?

I could really use some pointers and advice!

The FAQ's and "strategy" guides aren't all that meaty.
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Old December 29th, 2002, 07:54 AM
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Default Re: Research priority?

It all depends on personal style. Point Defense Cannons and Mines are definitely invaluable tools though.
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Old December 29th, 2002, 07:56 AM

LostCommander LostCommander is offline
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Default Re: Research priority?

The intelligence aspect is heavily influenced by the choices made during game setup. Assuming that intelligence progects are not turned off altogether, the map size, chance or actuality of meeting neighbors, and you locale will influence your choice. With a large map and few players / relatively friendly players, I would probably wait on the intelligence research until I had Propulsion L3 for the cheapest engines, and perhaps Cargo L2. This would be haulted if an enemy is encountered. Also, if your locale is especially poor in resources or colonizable planets (again, game setup for what exactly a "colonizable" planet is matters), then going for a better "growth" tech (Resource Ext. or another colony tech if you are desperate) may be the only viable option. If you are cornered in and diplomacy is not working to get you out, then going for intel and hoping for a colony ship aways off or to try and subvert an established colony's populace may be the trick. If you have especially bloodthirsty neighbors, then you may need to focus on those DUCs or CSMs in order to survive the initial assualt. All in all, lots of fun choices that are too complex to give an adequate in-depth overview that covers all the possibilities. Choose a strategy - if it works then great - if not, then try something else next time or just try it again to see if there wasn't something wrong with the situation that you tried it in rather than a flaw inherent in the strategy itself.
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Old December 29th, 2002, 07:08 PM
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Default Re: Research priority?

The first thing I research is Military Science, and then get PD2 (so one PD shot can knock out a CSM1). Construction--> Mines 1 and Ship Construction are also early priorities.... Just make sure you set your research to not divide evenly.

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Old December 29th, 2002, 07:32 PM

spoon spoon is offline
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Default Re: Research priority?

The tech I usually go for first are:
point defense
solar collectors

The order depends on the game settings and starting positions.

If intel is in the game, researching it early is pretty important. By turn 20 maybe is too early, but you don't want to dally too long without it, since not having it can lose the game for you...


[ December 29, 2002, 17:34: Message edited by: spoon ]
Try out the Fantasy Empires Mod, a full conversion, fantasy based mod for SEIV Gold.
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Old December 29th, 2002, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: Research priority?

Depends on how many starting resources I have to work with. I like to start with one of the most expensive techs I can get in one turn.

For a 100K start, I'll often take Resupply 2, or two 50K theoretical sciences, like Chemistry + Industry, or one of those plus a racial tech area. Then one more tech to catch any leftover points.

20K is usually Ship Construction 2, or part of a racial tech.

5K is usually Projectile Weapons 2, or part of a racial tech.

I do turn off "Divide Points Evenly" on the first turn, but I often turn it back on later. I'll put an expensive tech at the end of the queue, with one or more cheaper and more urgent techs ahead of it. I'll micromanage it and turn "Divide" off when I can finish the first tech in the queue in one turn.
Cap'n Q

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Old December 29th, 2002, 11:10 PM
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Default Re: Research priority?

You never gain anything from using Divide Points Evenly. It is easier and more effecient most of the time to just leave it off.
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Old December 29th, 2002, 11:59 PM

spoon spoon is offline
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Default Re: Research priority?

Originally posted by Imperator Fyron:
You never gain anything from using Divide Points Evenly.
Except possibly to thwart someone using intel to destroy your resarch projects. But that is a pretty rare occurance...
Try out the Fantasy Empires Mod, a full conversion, fantasy based mod for SEIV Gold.
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