Heres an update.
1. I have set up the basic features of the mod.
a. The Races are in place
b. The races ship images are organized
c. The neutral races are in place
d. The basic data files are in place
e. The basic race AI is in place
f. The Vehicle.txt file has been established
g. The IntelProject.txt file has been established
h. The cultures.txt file has been established
i. The TechArea.txt file haa been established
j. The RacialTraits.txt file has been established
What I mean by established is that they are set up and ready for testing.
I have ran a test game with a few errors which I have corrected.
1. At this time setting up the System and Quadrant Types will be a low priority. The mod at first will have to use standard SEIV settings.
2. I had to use the Star Trek ship images from NASY for all of the races with the exception of the neutral races.
3. The neutral races will use defualt ship images.
4. At this time I have removed the fighters from the mod. (Each race will have 1 shuttle to begin with.)
5. On some races I had to devate from what Kwok has listed as ship types and images. This can be fixed later if needed.
6. I need help on setting up the pseudo-Newtonian propulsion model for the mod.
7. I need help on setting up the "leaky Armor & Shield" model for the mod.
8. I need help on setting up additional population modifiers to help to reduce or increase construction and production rates for various sized populations.
9. If any one is interested in working on System types and planet settings please let me know.
10. The Mod is on track thus far for a private beta toward the middle of July. If you are interested in signing up for the beta, and can offer help in the areas listed above, please email me at
[email protected]. I have to limit the amount of beta testers so please only submit your name if you can contribute to the development of the mod.
1. I will start on the Captian Components
2. Start on the race facilities
3. Start on the race components
I have every intention of getting this mod out for play soon. I do not expect to use the Planet image mod but I will be using the Components and Facilities image mods for some items. I may even make a few specific images for things myself.
Question or Comments are welcome.