Turn 17
It may not seem like much, but Alpha put the torch to the abandoned Matilda II. When the points are totaled, that will count as a kill. Another assault on the A10 failed. That squad got cut up pretty bad because it was in the LOS of a lot of enemy tanks. Another squad in the open took a lot of fire, but no damage. Most of the rest of Alpha is huddled behind hills and smoke.
Enemy tanks still milling about immobilized tank. No real movement forward there. They are the ones who spent time firing at my exposed infantry. One of my ATGs did immobilize the A10 with them. With the number of holes I've put in it, I'm surprised it is even alive. Mortar rounds started falling on the tank cluster, but nothing but plinks came out of it. Further down the line, my tanks took out a Matilda I and clobbed more infantry trying to pop out of the smoke.
The Zulu tank supporting Charlie also racked up a kill on a Matilda I. Two to go. One enemy squad popped up on their right side and drew fire from a platoon. He is leaving now

Light mortar rounds are still dropping on a cluster of infantry out about 250m.
Enemy moving forward again in Delta sector. They aren't shooting, but I'm still laying into them with everything I've got. One of my tank commanders with a death wish also took some shots. I'm going to have to find out who has LOS and get him under cover. Mortar rounds started falling, but were somewhat off target. The supporting squad took a few rounds close, but otherwise the fire was bad.
One Echo platoon supported by a couple of engineer squads are moving north to support Delta. The other engineers were caught in the wadi when enemy mortars started to hit. They won't be of any use for a while. Enemy Matilda IIs pushing into the salient, but don't seem to be supported by infantry. If they are, the enemy is trying to make sure it won't last because they started firing 25-pdr artillery, but it was short. It is hitting very close to the only enemy infantry squad I see in the area.
Foxtrot shifting around in the wadi. I also moved a platoon of XRay tanks up to help. This is where I think the fire on the Matilda IIs came from. I still have another platoon in front of and to the south of the wadi, maneuvering against the Matilda I. They need to be careful because I think there is another Matilda II around. So far, they have all showed up in multiples of three, but I only see two here so far. My armored cars were able to stay put because the Matildas pushed on into the smoke. They lit up a couple of routed enemy squads and made sure the Vickers crew wouldn't come back.
My antitank guns, infantry guns and light mortars are starting to run into ammo problems. I've got supply, but they are keeping my medium mortars in business.
Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.
Enemy: 2xMatilida I tanks and 1xMatilda II tank destroyed. Estimated 20 casualties.