Re: Ma R\'Lyeh
A History of MA Pythium
By Felodeus Imperial Historian, and Arch Theurg.
It has fallen to me to prepare a history of the great empire of Pythium. At the request of his Holiness Hopper the Prophet of the Goddess Glory, and Regent of our divine child Emperor, I reluctantly agreed to attempt this chronicle. Following is a series of reports from various sources that detail the actions and motivations of the Pythium government.
Year 1 of the Regency of his Holiness Prophet of the Goddess Glory.
We have encountered moderate resistance to our army of legionnaires mostly barbarian tribesmen and small isolated villages. Almost all are willing to bow to the mighty armies of Pythium.
Late in the summer of year one, we have come upon easterners that speak of lands not too distant ruled by men who call themselves the T'ien Ch'i. I would caution the Generals tread lightly in the east and send the diplomats to assess these easterners.
Cornelius 1st Centurion of Pythium.
To his Holiness. We have reached and agreement with both MA T'ien ch'i, to our east and LA Abysia to the north east. Both nations have agreed to peaceful relations with us and I hope for prosperous trade. As per your last request I shall make haste to the west to speak with the nations of EA Caelum, Ea Arco, and EA Mictlan. May the light of the Goddess shine on you.
Your servant.
Ambassador Trodor.