I intend to copy my se4 install to a single CD, as a backup of all the mods and races I've downloaded. It would also be handy for bringing my brother's (legit) installation of the game up to date.
The problem is, I have too much stuff installed. It won't all fit on one CD.
Therefore the purpose of this thread is to share hints and tips for reducing the footprint of an se4 installation:
Here is what I currently have:
Over 150 races
18 mods
7 "peripheral" programs (modders, gridders, drukman etc)
the neo-expansion pack
the full image mod
The extended sound pack
Here are the space-saving tricks I already know of:
-once the neo-expansion pack is installed, the proportions and devnullmod pictures/racegeneric folders become redundant. You can also afford to lose some of the P&N pictures/racegenerics.
-With the sound enhancement pack installed, I found I had all the game sounds twice. I deleted the old set and saved around 15 meg!
-I copied the TDM AIs over the default ones. I also copied the USM files over the defaults. If I ever wanted to go back (why?) I can just use my original game CD.
-Some mods (devnullmod, proportions) include whole race sets in their pictures/races folder. This can lead to duplication if you already have the race installed in your main pictures/races. Copy the graphics files over and just leave the mods with just the AI files.
-Similarly, some mods keep their own designname folders, which can lead to duplication. Consolidate these into the main game folders and let the mods default to them. In some cases it is approriate to do this with planetnames and system names files.
-Zip stuff up. I don't like to do this, because I want to just copy the CD onto my HD and go, but in theory you could probably halve the size of your game install, since most of the bulk is plain txt files and uncompressed bmps.
-reduce the colour depth of race graphics. This will make huge savings, but it would lead to lower quality graphics. I am reluctant to do this.
-I'd like to know if it is possible to delete the components, combat and planets folders from various mods (particularly P&N, Proportions & Devnullmod) if I have the full imagemod installed. If not, doesn't that make the imagemod kind of useless?
-I would be grateful for any more sace-saving tips, and I'm sure others would like to hear them. Please post them.
Finally, something else I'd like to do for this "ultimate CD" I'm preparing: Many (most?) of the races I have installed have old AIs that produce errors when I try to use them. I know there is an article around here somewhen describing how to update them, but I really don't want to check and correct all 150 races. Does anyone know of (or want to write) an auto-batch-AI-checker/updater? I imagine this would be fairly easy for clever ppl like you lot