Ok, Counter Intelligence rules:
1) First read the Newbie FAQ on this issue, there is lotsa good info.
2) CI projects are only good when they are "holding" points, don't ever complete one because all the stored points go to intel heaven and are lost forever.
3) When an incoming attack happens, the corresponding amount of points are deducted from your stored CI projects, starting from the rightmost one and moving left.
4) CI 2 and CI 3 are worth more than CI 1 (see faq for numbers)
5) Any CI gets a bonus over offensive intel (see faq and settings.txt)
6) From 4 & 5 above, you need much less intel points to defend than to attack (as it should be).
7) All stored CI points work together as it were no matter if they are spread out amongst multiple CI projects.
8) ONLY if you don't have enough stored CI points to block an incoming attack will the attack succeed. If successful, they succeed with 100% certainty except Puppet Political Parties which I *think* is a 50% success rate.
9) Some have posted that you must add at least some points to a CI each turn for it to work. This is a bug that has been fixed and is no longer true.
10) If you are still reading this, you are hooked on this game. My sincerest condolences to your family.
[edit: spppeling, gramer]
[ April 17, 2003, 16:27: Message edited by: Slick ]