Actually I'm having that same problem with CCF. I have noticed that once a planet becomes sabotaged by some sort of atmopheric bomb and attains its conditions as 'deadly' CCF doesn't seem to do a thing about it.
Colonies of my feeble empire are frequently mistreated by spies of the 'bigger fish with bigger mouth' and I muster every resources to shut them out, but once they break through my counter line and do that 'thing' with one of my planet, it's simply doomed (precisely a colony with deadly living conditions, 0% repro rate frequently abeted to open rebelllion) Like I said I'm running relatively a small kingdom and my counter intels are simply outnumbered.(I'm a newb who got this fantastic game (Gold 1.84) Last week and this is my first rather humble campaigne)
I first imagined CCF would do something to solve the problem, did some research on it and placed many (3-5) of them in all colonies. Colonies with better conditions like Mild, Good did eventually get their max level over few years, but ones with deadly conditions never seem to get any better. I even maxed the research on this field and I have a colony(Deadly Conditioned) with 5 lv 3 CCFs invested over 3 yrs and no luck until now. 5 lv3 CCFs over 2.5-3 yrs are supposed to yield some fruits, aren't they? (+3% X 5 X 3 yrs after Last completion = +45% Approx?)
My questions are:
1. Have I waited not long enough to see the result? I'm currently playing under TDF MODPack Version (Which has been labelled specifically as 'Just an AI enhancements MOD') and am slowly beginning to wonder if this MOD is doing some arcane stuff on the game.
2. Or is it that there's an alternative way to solve the problem and I've been simply doing the wrong thing?
3. What is the exact numeric figure of the system of this planatary conditions ? Does a planet with optimal conditions mean it has 100% of it or is it something more (perhaps
200, 250%)?
Any help or comments will be greatly aprreciated. Have a nice day.
[ March 23, 2003, 05:22: Message edited by: Larsius ]