First, thx for answering my previous post.
Now i have some strategy questions... isn't there any strategy guide or something?
The thing is that now i am on my 3� game... in the previous 2 i have losed the same way... first turns i was the most powerful in the galaxy, getting lot's of money every turn, and when i reach certain tech level, i start producing ships and then, from 1 turn to the other, i am from getting +100.000 minerals per turn to losing -150.000 per turn, then i ended scraping my ships and being overwhelmend by my enemys.
Right now I am playing a neutral race because before i was a peacefull race, but my "allys" started colonising MY starts systems... and i hate that, so now i do non-intercurse treaties with everyone. The thing i want to know is how can i sped my money, to not being losing like 100k every turn for storage problems! I know that i should have like 3M more that i actually have... and i know that i will need all those money when i start making ships...
I am playing with hard AI mode, agaings 12 races i downloaded.. 4 from babylon 5, 4 from starwars and 4 from startrek.. very fun =).
Right now i control 12 stars systems.. i have like 20 colonys... but others AI players have 12 systems and like 60 planets... i only colonise medium or bigger planets, and only hydrogen atmosthere ones.. (green dot). I noticed the ai players colonise every planet, including the more crappy ones. Is that good? Because there u can only build like 2 or 3 factorys... i think it is contraproducent...
Another thing that i dont like... why the AI researsh so little? I alwais have like 20 more tech lvls that the next more advanced AI...that makes me feel like with no rivals...their ships never can even hit my's...
Well resuming, i want some advises of how to spend my money, to not lose 100k per turn... and i already have like 3 planets just for money storage... so that is not the answer...
Here are some ss i taked...
I control 5 useless stars anyway
The map:
1: a green giant star
2: some thing that moves my ship 2 squares per turn, so i cannont put satellites in wormhole exit.. i keep all my ships in the systems to the right, blocking the galactic empire (darth vader's)
3: some weird organic star... useless too.
4&5: Asteroid belt systems... useless =(. To the right of 5 is my homeworld.
6: The vorlons reclaim this systems as theirs.. every turn i kill like 4 colony ships tring to cross...
7: To the right are my worst enemy's, the hapes consortium helped by the shadows... every 5 turns or so, they attack with fleets of 10 or more strong ships... anyways i have in every "gate" of my empire Groups of 30+ satellites.. and my planets are armed with drones, just in case.
Also i experimented with ministers, i turned on the one that produce ships... but he keels making anti-planet drones ! I also turned on the coloniser one, but i dont know if he make the colony ships or i have to give them to him?
Also i wanted to the ministers to gather the new ships... so i turned the defense minister on, but he sended some ship to my neighbors systems...
PS: Is there some key to take screen shot automaticaly? because i made this ones with copy and paste in paint -_-a