Re: No luck getting TCP/IP to work
some of you are on routers? what the heck does that mean?
if you say you are forwarding the specific ports, are you blocking others? try taking your filters off, if you have some in place. are you blocking ports greater than 1024?
other people have made it work in the past, so i dont think its a software problem. you guys are about to lose your computer nerd license here. first make sure that everyone is on the same Version of the game. then make sure you have connectivity between your PCs. you know, PING each other. then permit ALL traffic between the PCs in question, not just the specific ports you think you need.
then narrow things down from there. if you cant ping, either your network is not setup right, or your ACLs are filtering out the traffic. if you can ping and you are permitting all traffic between PCs, either you are setting up the game wrong, or you have a duplicate IP address somewhere and you are not pinging who you think you are pinging.
how is this network setup, anyway? are you all on the same ethernet segment? on the same lan? do routers seperate you? firewalls? you guys trying to play over the internet?
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)