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Old September 5th, 2015, 09:50 PM
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Default Attacker and defender points ratio

Someone once asked that question, but this thread is damn hard to find.

Quick one to go: Normally, in game, in generated battle, what are the attacker and defender point ratios in meetings, advances and assault?
Would be good to finally see it listed in a visible place.
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Old September 5th, 2015, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: Attacker and defender points ratio

This is easily checked by anyone

1/ set up human player 1 with 1000 purchase points and computer player 2 to XXX

2/ Set PURCHACE preference to player 1 COMPUTER and player 2 HUMAN.

3/ select a battle type. Lets start off with Player 2 computer assaults player 1 human

4/ click CONTINUE

5/ You will now see how many points the computer would have to assault player 1 who has 1000 purchase points and it will be 2731 or close to it PLUS the HQ

6/ Try the same routine with a P2 advance.....1946 plus the HQ ( the exact numbers you get depend on the nations experience rating )


2.78:1 for assaults, 2:1 for advance, 1:1 for meeting

with the setting to 10000 points the attacker would get 27,750 ( varies slightly depending on the nation ) give or take a point or two plus the HQ which adds usually 50 points or so and we are up to 27,800 which gives 2.78 x more points to the attacker now try with P2 set to delay using US as P1 and Russia as P2 ( 2015 ). The Russian player gets 19950 points plus 50 for the HQ = 20,000 points to the US delayers 10,000. The answers been there to find for a decade and a half +

And to answer why such an odd ratio for assaulting.....as I recal many, MANY years ago we found 3:1 was a bit too much so we tweaked it down a touch

Last edited by DRG; September 6th, 2015 at 09:00 AM..
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